Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tarjeta SENTRI para cruzar rápido entre México y EE.UU.

SENTRI es una tarjeta de  inteligente con identificacià ³n por radio frecuencia que permite un cruce acelerado de la frontera terrestre  entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico. Es uno de los programas que se conocen con el nombre de Viajeros Confiables y Frecuentes que facilitan los pasos de control migratorio. SENTRI no debe confundirse con un programa muy similar conocido como  Nexus, una tarjeta de cruce rà ¡pido entre USA y Canadà ¡. En este artà ­culo se informa de quià ©nes pueden solicitar SENTRI, cuà ¡les son los beneficios, cà ³mo se aplica por esa tarjeta, ycuà ¡les son las causas comunes por las que la solicitud es negada. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI Pueden aplicar por SENTRI las personas que se encuentran en cualquiera de las siguientes categorà ­as: Los ciudadanos americanosLos residentes permanentes legales, es decir, que tienen una green card.Cualquier extranjero  con visa vigente para ingresar o permanecer temporalmente en EE.UU.Los mexicanos que cruzan con frecuencia la frontera terrestre con Estados Unidos. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que SENTRI no es una visa. Recalcar que en el caso de personas no ciudadanas estadounidenses ni residentes permanentes legales es imprescindible tener una visa vigente antes de aplicar por SENTRI. Puede ser cualquier visa de todas las no inmigrantes posibles, como la là ¡ser -tambià ©n conocida como de Cruce, o la F-3 para estudiantes en la zona fronteriza.   Por à ºltimo, tambià ©n pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI los nià ±os pero todos los peticionarios menores de edad deberà ¡n tener el consentimiento de sus padres o guardianes legales. Si se viaja con nià ±os, cada nià ±o debe tener su propia tarjeta para beneficiarse de este programa. En otras palabras, no està ¡n amparados por la de sus padres. Beneficios de obtener la tarjeta SENTRI El mà ¡s evidente es que se puede utilizar para ingresar a Estados Unidos desde Mà ©xico la fila SENTRI, donde el proceso de inspeccià ³n migratorio y aduanero dura, de media, 10 segundos. Estos son los pasos aduaneros donde se puede utilizar (verificar en  tiempo real los tiempos de demora en cruce de puentes internacionales): Nogales, ArizonaDouglas, ArizonaSan Luis, ArizonaOtay Mesa, CaliforniaSan Ysidro, CaliforniaCalexico, CaliforniaEl Paso, TexasHidalgo, TexasBrownsville, TexasLaredo, TexasAnzalduas, Texas Ademà ¡s, SENTRI brinda otros beneficios. Por ejemplo, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden en muchos casos utilizar  los kioskos de Global Entry  en los aeropuertos para acelerar el trà ¡nsito por aduanas. Existe en este punto una excepcià ³n importante que es que los ciudadano  mexicanos no pueden utilizar  esos kioskos con SENTRI. Si desean tener esa ventaja deben aplicar especà ­ficamente por Global Entry. Los  ciudadanos americanos  y sà ³lo ellos pueden ingresar por tierra o por mar a Estados Unidos procedentes de Mà ©xico sin pasaporte, utilizando la tarjeta SENTRI. Por el contrario, si se ingresa por avià ³n es necesario el pasaporte. En los viajes domà ©sticos por avià ³n, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden enrolarse en el programa Pre-Check para agilizar el paso por el control de seguridad en aeropuertos. Cà ³mo se aplica por la tarjeta inteligente conocida como SENTRI Se solicita por internet en la pà ¡gina oficial de la Agencia de Aduanas y Proteccià ³n Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este momento se paga una cuota inicial de $25 por persona (en el caso de familias el coste mà ¡ximo es de $50 por el padre y la madre y los hijos). Al poco tiempo se recibirà ¡ una notificacià ³n llamada aprobacià ³n condicional. A partir de ese momento se tiene 30 dà ­as para cerrar una cita para la entrevista con la CBP utilizando el mismo sistema de internet. El dà ­a de la entrevista se tomarà ¡ las huellas digitales del aplicante y una foto. Ademà ¡s se tendrà ¡ que pagar parte de la cuota. Ademà ¡s, deberà ¡ presentar los documentados originales que: Acrediten que es ciudadano americano, que es residente permanente o que tiene visa americana vigente.Licencia de manejar emitida por el estado en el que se vive (o un I.D. estatal)Registracià ³n del auto y prueba de seguro. Si el auto que se registra no es propiedad del solicitante de la tarjeta SENTRI entonces se precisa una carta notarizada del propietario en favor del solicitante. Si se trata de un auto de empresa, la carta debe estar escrita en un papel con el nombre de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a.Prueba de solvencia econà ³mica, como tax returns recientes, nà ³minas, extractos de banco, licencia de negocio, si se tiene, etc.Evidencia de residencia, como por ejemplo, recibo del pago de la renta o de la hipoteca o escritura de propiedad de vivienda. Ademà ¡s, llevar una copia de la aprobacià ³n condicional. El costo total de la tarjeta es de $122.25 por persona. Si se desea registrar mà ¡s de un auto, hay que pagar cuota adicional de $42. Si se solicita para toda la familia, es mà ¡s conveniente realizar la aplicacià ³n para todos de una sola vez. Causas de negacià ³n de la solicitud de una tarjeta SENTRI Las causas pueden ser muy variadas, por ejemplo, mentir en la aplicacià ³n, haber sido condenado por una ofensa criminal o tener una orden de arresto pendiente. Tambià ©n es causa de rechazo estar siendo investigado por alguna autoridad local, estatal o federal o, incluso, haber cometido en el pasado alguna infraccià ³n migratoria o de aduanas, incluidos casos en los que se intentà ³ ingresar al paà ­s un producto agrà ­cola o comida que està ¡ prohibido. Finalmente, se negarà ¡ la tarjeta siempre que a juicio de las autoridades la persona solicitante puede suponer un riesgo de cualquier clase para los Estados Unidos. A tener en cuenta para conservar la validez de SENTRI Si se obtiene la tarjeta, debe tenerse presente lo siguiente: Es và ¡lida por cinco aà ±os.Se debe notificar cambios de domicilio, cambios en la documentacià ³n, como obtencià ³n de nuevo pasaporte, licencia de manejar, green card.... o cambio de nombre. Tambià ©n se debe reportar cualquier condena excepto violaciones de trà ¡nsito. Para hacer estas notificaciones llamar a uno de los Centros para Enrolar.  Para poder utilizar una là ­nea SENTRI en la frontera es necesario que todos los ocupantes del auto sean titulares de su propia tarjeta. Esto incluye a nià ±os, incluso recià ©n nacidos. Quà © se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos desde Mà ©xico A la hora de ingresar a los Estados Unidos es conveniente conocer quà © artà ­culos està ¡ prohibido traer asà ­ cà ³mo cuà ¡les està ¡n permitidos en determinadas cantidades o previa declaracià ³n de ingreso. Finalmente, si se tiene la intencià ³n de ingresar a una mascota, tambià ©n se aconseja conocer las reglas para evitar problemas serios al llegar al control aduanero. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Types Of Methods For Cheating - 883 Words

There are many forms of cheating and it does not only have to be when a person fabricates someone else’s idea, paper, or answers. The types of methods for cheating have increased throughout the years and it has become very common to take credit for something that you have worked for. Another method that has become increasingly popular through the years is people cheating the government. The people who have been cheating the government believe that they deserve more benefits than what they receive, but the truth is that most of those people do not want to work for what they need which promotes languid behavior (Gabriel). This in turn causes those who actually need those benefits to be rejected. Though some people may disagree and say that they do work for their money, there are a select few who will do whatever is necessary to get what they think they deserve. For instance, a friend of the family confessed to be living with her husband but has claimed to be separated so that sh e and her family can receive benefits. She is able to get food stamps and Medicaid for her children because of her claims. If she did not claim that she was separated, she would not be able to qualify for these benefits. Even though she can afford it, she gets away with cheating the government system. This is obviously unfair to those who actually have to pay for their own insurance and medical care or to those who simply can’t afford it. The people who can’t afford the assistances provided by theShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism : What Is Plagiarism?1583 Words   |  7 Pageshimself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal act and institutional regulations. And universities, schools, and instructors do not only need to decrease plagiarism, but they must also affect positively on students writings, increase the understandingRead MoreCheating And The Test Of Cheating1340 Words   |  6 Pagesto cheat. Academic cheating is an undisclosed process that occurs at all schools. This is the process of gaining info or using information for use on a test without permission from the proctor of the test. The steps are simple and easy to hide from the average teacher administrating the test. Many students try their hand at cheating due to its rather lucrative outcome in terms of grades versus the ratio of time spent on the process of cheating. Moreover, if done right, cheating is a process that allowsRead MoreIs Integrity Ethical And Ethical Standards?986 Words   |  4 Pagesenjoy positive outcomes through having strong relationships with others. (Peterson, 2004) These relationships are successful because of their ability to create cooperative alliances, and receive social support (Hodgins, 1996). However, specific types of dishonest behavior occur daily in peoples’ lives. (Xu, 2015). Lying refers to intentionally making a false verbal statement to deceive the mind of the recipient (Hays, 2014). The decision to be honest or not is strongly influenced in early childhoodRead MoreTechnologys Impact On Learning1028 Words   |  4 Pages Focuses on ways that technology impacts learning and cheating; especially in realm of Internet sourcing. Anderman, E., Midgley, C. (2004). Changes in self-reported academic cheating across the transition from middle school to high school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 499-517. Peer reviewed article in which data suggests that self-reported cheating is on the rise based on students view that everyone does it. Cahn and Markie. (2008). Ethics:Read MoreCheating Is Defined As An Act Of Dishonesty844 Words   |  4 PagesWhat comes to mind when hearing the word â€Å"cheat†? According to Merriam Webster, Cheating is defined as an â€Å"act of dishonesty in order to gain an advantage† (Webster, 2015). Society seems to encourage that people should do whatever it takes to win or succeed. This method has been recycled through any type of accomplishment from politics to performances. The three main areas that people are susceptible to cheat in are athletics, academics, and intimate relationships. There are several ways to cheatRead MoreAcademic Integrity : Types Of Academic Dishonesty And Prevention Methods1743 Words   |  7 Pages Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Chetan Muppaneni Webster University Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Abstract This paper discusses the different types of academic dishonesty and the prevention measures that are taken to maintain academic integrity. The need of following the codes/rules of the institutions and to promote the academic integrity is mainly on the students and the faculty. The paper discussesRead MoreHow Conformity Plays A Big Part Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pageslong time, slavery was justified as okay because people were making profit. Today, murder, adultery, gambling, drugs, cheating on tests, and skipping class are all considered deviant acts. If an individual violates a norm, it is expected to receive responses from others; negative sanctions. The intensity of the negative sanction depends on the importance of the norm. There’s two types of sanctions; informal and formal. Informal sanctions come from social groups and can vary from dirty stares from friendsRead MoreThe Ethics Of Academic Misconduct1192 Words   |  5 Pagesamongst other morals. Academic integrity is intrinsically against all the principles we were brought up on, then why is it so common? Is it partly because we don’t categorize plagiarism as cheating or is it because of the prevalent occurrences: that everybody does it so why not me? The answers vary depending on type of dishonesty, for example deliberate deception when using a person’s distinct ideas or words without acknowledgment should be far greater offense than students working on a homework assignmentRead MoreCheating Is A Word?1496 Words   |  6 PagesCheating is a word that no one wants to have attached to their name, because it comes attached with a load of negative stigma. What exactly is the definition of cheating? According to Oxford Dictionaries, the definition of the word â€Å"cheat† is as follows: â€Å"Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.† As one can adhere through this definition, when someone cheats they are acting in a dishonest way that deprives others of the truth. There are manyRead MoreAre Students Cheating Due to Pressure?1200 Words   |  5 PagesAre Students Cheating Due to Pressure? Academic cheating has always been frowned upon by society and reasoned as the easy way out. From a teachers point of view, cheating may be unethical. On the other hand, from a student’s viewpoint, cheating may be the necessary survival skill in school. Society has always been solely focused on how terrible cheating is but it has never considered the pressures that essentially cause students to cheat. Many pressures contribute to academic dishonesty such as

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sardanapalus Essay Research Paper Example For Students

Sardanapalus Essay Research Paper A monologue from the play by Lord Byron NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Lord Byron: Six Plays. Lord Byron. Los Angeles: Black Box Press, 2007. SARDANAPALUS: Farewell! Hes gone; and on his finger bears my signet, Which is to him a sceptre. He is stern As I am heedless and the slaves deserve To feel a master. What may be the danger, I know not: he hath found it, let him quell it. Must I consume my life—this little life— In guarding against all may make it less! It is not worth so much! It were to die Before my hour, to live in dread of death, Tracing revolt; suspecting all about me, Because they are near; and all who are remote, Because they are far. But if it should be so— If they should sweep me off from earth and empire, Why, what is earth or empire of the earth? I have loved, and lived, and multiplied my image; To die is no less natural than those Acts of this clay! Tis true I have not shed Blood as I might have done, in oceans, till My name became the synonym of death— A terror and a trophy. But for this I feel no penitence; my life is love: If I must shed blood, it shall be by force. Till now, no drop from an Assyrian vein Hath flowd for me, nor hath the smallest coin Of Ninevehs vast treasures oer been lavishd On objects which could cost her Sons a tear: If then they hate me, tis because I hate not: If they rebel, tis because I oppress not. Oh, men! ye must be ruled with scythes, not sceptres, And mowd down like the grass, else all we reap Is rank abundance, and a rotten harvest Of discontents infecting the fair soil, Making a desert of fertility.— Ill think no more.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Single Parenting free essay sample

You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind to it and stick with it. I remember hearing those words from my mother ever since I was a little girl. Through the years Ive grown up believing in them and using them as my inspiration. You see, there is no one I admire more than my mother. When I was four years old, my mother and father got divorced, although he didnt live with us since I was two. At the time, my brother was only eight. Being a single parent is a hard enough job in itself but my mother also worked full time. Now most people who hear about this situation automatically assume that at least one if not both children ended up getting into some kind of trouble whether with the law or something else, but in this case that never happened. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Parenting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mother taught both of us about morals, goals and rules, along with many other things. Granted my brother and I got into fights with one another, but, hey, kids will be kids. Even though she works all week, my mom always had time for us, whether it was to take us to our baseball and soccer games or if we just needed someone to talk to. At one point I remember clearly that I had a speech problem, and she made me practice every night over and over again until I got it right. All in all, I feel I can talk to my mother about anything, with her acting more as a friend than a parent. I realize that not everyone has a mother like mine, which makes me appreciate her even more. After everything she has done for me, I want to make her proud by being the first female in my family to go to college and get a degree.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Meuse-Argonne Offensive in World War I

Meuse-Argonne Offensive in World War I The Meuse-Argonne Offensive was one of the final campaigns of World War I (1914-1918) and was fought between September 26 and November 11, 1918. Part of the Hundred Days Offensives, the thrust in the Meuse-Argonne was the largest American operation of the conflict and involved 1.2 million men. The offensive saw attacks through the difficult terrain between the Argonne Forest and the Meuse River. While the First US Army made early gains, the operation soon devolved into a bloody battle of attrition. Lasting until the end of the war, the Meuse-Argonne Offensive was the deadliest battle in American history with over 26,000 killed. Background On August 30, 1918, the supreme commander of Allied forces, Marshal Ferdinand Foch, arrived at the headquarters of General John J. Pershings First US Army. Meeting with the American commander, Foch ordered  Pershing to effectively shelve a planned offensive against the Saint-Mihiel salient, as he wished to use the American troops piecemeal to support a British offensive to the north. Having relentlessly planned the Saint-Mihiel operation, which he saw as opening the way to an advance on the rail hub of Metz, Pershing resisted Fochs demands. Outraged, Pershing refused to let his command be broken apart and argued in favor of moving forward with the assault on Saint-Mihiel. Ultimately, the two came to a compromise. Pershing would be permitted to attack Saint-Mihiel but was required to be in position for an offensive in the Argonne Valley by mid-September. This required Pershing to fight a major battle, and then shift approximately 400,000 men sixty miles all within the span of ten days. General John J. Pershing. Photograph Courtesy of the Library of Congress Stepping off on September 12, Pershing won a swift victory at Saint-Mihiel.  After clearing the salient in three days of fighting, the Americans began moving north to the Argonne. Coordinated by Colonel George C. Marshall, this movement was completed in time to commence the Meuse-Argonne Offensive on September 26. Planning Unlike the flat terrain of Saint-Mihiel, the Argonne was a valley flanked by thick forest to one side and the Meuse River on the other. This terrain provided an excellent defensive position for five divisions from General Georg von der Marwitzs Fifth Army. Flush with victory, Pershings objectives for the first day of the attack were extremely optimistic and called for his men to break through two major defensive lines dubbed Giselher and Kreimhilde by the Germans. In addition, American forces were hampered by the fact that five of the nine divisions slated for the attack had not yet seen combat. This use of relatively inexperienced troops was necessitated by the fact that many of the more veteran divisions had been employed at Saint-Mihiel and required time to rest and refit before re-entering the line.   Meuse-Argonne Offensive Conflict: World War IDates: September 26-November 11, 1918Armies Commanders:United StatesGeneral John J. Pershing1.2 million men by the end of the campaignGermanyGeneral Georg von der Marwitz450,000 by the end of the campaignCasualties:United States: 26,277 killed and 95,786 woundedGermany: 28,000 killed and 92,250 wounded Opening Moves Attacking at 5:30 AM on September 26 after a prolonged bombardment by 2,700 guns, the final goal of the offensive was the capture of Sedan, which would cripple the German rail network. It was later reported that more ammunition was expended during the bombardment than had been used in the entirety of the Civil War. The initial assault made solid gains and was supported by American and French tanks. Falling back to the Giselher line, the Germans prepared to make stand. In the center, the attack bogged down as troops from V Corps struggled to take the 500-ft. height of Montfaucon. The capture of the heights had been assigned to the green 79th Division, whose attack stalled when the neighboring 4th Division failed to execute Pershings orders for them to turn the Germans flank and force them from Montfaucon. Elsewhere, the difficult terrain slowed the attackers and limited visibility. Seeing a crisis developing on Fifth Armys front, General Max von Gallwitz directed six reserve divisions to shore up the line. Though a brief advantage had been gained, the delays at Montfaucon and elsewhere along the line allowed for the arrival of additional German troops who quickly began to form a new defensive line. With their arrival, American hopes for a quick victory in the Argonne were dashed and a grinding, attritional battle commenced. While Montfaucon was taken the next day, the advance proved slow and American forces were plagued by leadership and logistical issues. By October 1, the offensive had come to a halt. Traveling among his forces, Pershing replaced several of his green divisions with more experienced troops, though this movement only added to the logistical and traffic difficulties. Additionally, ineffective commanders were mercilessly removed from their commands and replaced by more aggressive officers. US Marines during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. National Archives and Records Administration Grinding Forward On October 4, Pershing ordered an assault all along the American line. This was met with ferocious resistance from the Germans, with the advance measured in yards. It was during this phase of the fighting that the 77th Divisions famed Lost Battalion made its stand. Elsewhere, Corporal Alvin York of the 82nd Division won the Medal of Honor for capturing 132 Germans. As his men pushed north, Pershing increasingly found that his lines were subjected to German artillery from the heights on the east bank of the Meuse. To alleviate this problem, he made a push over the river on October 8 with the goal of silencing German guns in the area. This made little headway. Two days later he turned command of the First Army over to Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett. As Liggett pressed on, Pershing formed the Second US Army on the east side of the Meuse and placed Lieutenant General Robert L. Bullard in command. Between October 13-16, American forces began to break through the German lines with the capture of Malbrouck, Consenvoye, Cà ´te Dame Marie, and Chatillon. With these victories in hand, American forces pierced the Kreimhilde line, achieving Pershings goal for the first day. With this done, Liggett called a halt to reorganize. While collecting stragglers and re-supplying, Liggett ordered an attack towards Grandprà © by the 78th Division. The town fell after a ten-day battle. Breakthrough On November 1, following a massive bombardment, Liggett resumed a general advance all along the line. Slamming into the tired Germans, First Army made large gains, with the V Corps gaining five miles in the center. Forced into a headlong retreat, the Germans were prevented from forming new lines by the rapid American advance. On November 5, the 5th Division crossed the Meuse, frustrating German plans to use the river as a defensive line. Three days later, the Germans contacted Foch about an armistice. Feeling that the war should continue until the Germans unconditionally surrendered, Pershing pushed his two armies to attack without mercy. Driving the Germans, American forces allowed the French to take Sedan as the war came to a close on November 11. Aftermath The Meuse-Argonne Offensive cost Pershing 26,277 killed and 95,786 wounded, making it the largest and bloodiest operation of the war for the American Expeditionary Force. American losses were exacerbated by the inexperience of many of the troops and tactics used during the early phases of the operation. Germans losses numbered 28,000 killed and 92,250 wounded. Coupled with British and French offensives elsewhere on the Western Front, the assault through the Argonne was critical in breaking German resistance and bringing World War I to an end.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Using the Question Mark

Using the Question Mark Using the Question Mark Using the Question Mark By Guest Author This is a guest post by Steven Pittsley. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. Although often taken for granted, the question mark can be used for more than ending a direct question. Really? Yes. The question mark was first seen in the eighth century when it was called the punctus interrogativus. There are many theories about the origin of the symbol, which has changed several times before settling on its current form in the eighteenth century. For example, the Latin word for question is quaestio, which was abbreviated to ‘Qo’ in the Middle Ages. It’s thought that the modern symbol represents the ‘Q’ placed over the ‘O’. Regardless of its origin, the question mark can be used in a variety of ways. One such use is to end a verb-less sentence. Although verb-less sentences may not be considered proper sentences in some circles, they are used quite frequently. Some examples include: What? When? Where? Really? Ending a tag question is another use for the question mark. A tag question is a statement that is followed by a question, such as: He left early, didn’t he? The recipe calls for one cup sugar, right? In a sentence containing a series of questions, you may include a question mark after each. Be careful with this type of writing. Although the use of a question mark is accepted, readers may find a long string of questions confusing. Who saw the victim last? Her husband? Her son? Her daughter? Which way are we supposed to turn at the corner? Right? Left? Two places where the question mark should not be used are at the end of indirect questions or courteous requests. Although these types of sentences may seem to be questions, they do not require the use of the question mark. I asked my son if there were any messages. Will you please reply as soon as possible. Although the choice to use the question mark us usually a fairly easy decision, some situations like these can make you think twice. You can follow Steven on Twitter @drumming4you. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Based in" and "based out of"Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)How to Style Titles of Print and Online Publications

Thursday, November 21, 2019

NCR Country Club and Different Sampling Design Decisions Essay - 1

NCR Country Club and Different Sampling Design Decisions - Essay Example As a result, the organization had 886 additional survey results. The decision to include spouses was correct since they have a significant impact on the lifestyle and consumer choices of their partners. In addition, the inclusion of nonmembers and employees ensures that the organization gets a global understanding of the issue. In addition, the sampling strategy focused on key aspects of its consumer base. The research involved people who lived in the community, the neighboring areas and outside its area. In addition, it focused on the gender of the participants. The analysis of the collected data showed that the research had succeeded in involving all the key elements of its customers. As a result, the information revealed by the process could be implemented appropriately. Furthermore, it ensures that NCR Country Club has a strong understanding of its market. In addition, it is evident that the researchers considered demographic factors in their sampling strategy. The reference to young consumers shows that the data could be broken down into age groups and other demographic factors. The approach is important because demographic factors have a significant impact on consumer behavior (La, 2005). As a result, the organization will be able to determine how it should handle different types of clients. Consequently, it is clear that all the sampling decisions in this process were handled correctly. In as much as the questionnaire is well designed, it still has some shortcomings. For instance, the questionnaire has not included open-ended questions. All the questions are closed. Although the approach ensures that the participants are focused on the aim of the question, it denies them the opportunity to express themselves. The participants may have important insights that could have helped the organization. The lack of open-ended questions shows that the organization does not care about the feelings of its consumers.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Differentiate descriptive, historical, correlational, and experimental Essay

Differentiate descriptive, historical, correlational, and experimental research methods. Provide clear definitions of each. Use examples that point out the fact - Essay Example This approach is designed to assemble quantitative data that answers questions regarding a population status and hypotheses testing. Descriptive research usually uses interviews, surveys, and natural observation to gain numerical data, which can be processed over a short-run or longitudinal period of time. Once the "technique for describing, organizing, and summarizing numerical data" is consummated, the numerical data is statistically analyzed using "mean, mode, median, variance, standard deviation, range, percentage, frequency and rank" (Quarterman et al pp 230, 2005). An organization wants to numerically define types of purchases for a selected demographic. One technique is to create a survey questionnaire that reflects specific and non-biased qualitative questions with numerical responses. Once the questionnaire is distributed and received back, the numerical data is analyzed using the descriptive statistics Quarterman describes. This is a cross-sectional method because it only deals with one instance, however if the organization wishes to follow participants through a time line, the research is considered longitudinal. The benefit of descriptive research method is that it generates a numerical value to answer a qualitative question. This can be used to test hypothesis, to find averages, and to create a measurement that can be analyzed to describe a state of being for a population. The cons of descriptive research are sample and measurement errors where a samples responses are incorrectly delivered, construed, answered or analyzed. In the above example if the organization incorrectly sends the questionnaire to the wrong demographic, the responses would be seriously negligent of the description they are trying to analyze, and the responses would be virtually useless. This method analyzes past information and the resolutions or irresolution associated with an event that has already occurred by

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking Essay Example for Free

Basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking Essay Every day people get ill from the food they eat. Micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and moulds found in food can cause food poisoning, leading to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms, such as stomach pains, diarrhoea and vomiting. Food poisoning can sometimes lead to gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and bowel), or more serious health problems such as blood poisoning (septicaemia) and kidney failure. Anyone can get food poisoning but some people, including babies, children and older people, are more likely to have serious symptoms. This is why this is vital as in the Seaview nursing home the residents are frail older people and several also are in poor general health. They are many basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking. This includes: Surfaces Equipment Sell by dates Food Cooking storing Surfaces Food poisoning affects thousands of people every year and many of these cases go unreported. The exact numbers of cases of food related illness that occur each year are unknown. This is because many people do not seek the help of their doctor when their doctor when they develop symptoms. Food poisoning can be extremely dangerously especially for the very young, older service users and those who are ill or infirm. It is therefore important that care workers actions do not increase this problem. To prevent contamination of food it is necessary to follow recognised hygiene procedures to make sure that risks are kept to a minimum. Cleaning and disinfection chemicals are available to maintain the correct standards of cleanliness. Usually these chemicals are added to water to make a cleaning solution. Some come ready to use in spray or aerosol bottles for convenience. Substances used for cleaning food preparation areas fall into three categories: Detergents – are chemicals that will dissolve grease and assist the removal of food debris and dirt. Detergents do not kill bacteria. Disinfectants – are chemicals designed to destroy bacteria and reduce them to a safe level. However disinfectants are not effective at removing grease and dirt’s. Disinfectants have a very strong smell and have the potential to taints foods and if in contact with surfaces that food is prepared on extra care should be taken in rinsing with hot (above 82C) water. Sanitizers– are a combination of both detergents and disinfectants and are designed to kill bacteria and remove dirt and grease at the same time. image00.pngimage00.png Disinfection can also be carried effectively using heat i.e. using hot water (above 82C). Chemicals can be used in addition to this process however are less effective where hot water is not available or a preliminary clean had not been carried out. The combination of the above chemicals and very hot water provide an effective way of keeping surfaces clean. Any work surfaces that is used for food preparation must be strong, durable, easily cleaned, resistance to stain or to absorbing liquids and not easily damaged. In professional food areas stainless steel tables are used for food preparation activities. They are usually on wheels which have brakes so that they can be moved easily which allows for ease of cleaning. It is vital that work surfaces are kept clean and bacteria free. The clean as you go method should be used. This means that all equipment and surfaces should be cleaned as soon as they have been used. This describes cleaning that is carried out as soon as the mess is created, the aim of this is to prevent cross contamination and to keep work areas clean and tidy. Examples of this might be Washing and sanitising of a chopping board straight after use and Cleaning up a floor spillage immediately after it has happened. Any spills should also be mopped up immediately they occur. Work surfaces should be left clean and clear when work has finished. The 5 stages of cleaning work are: Remove food particles and spillages using a suitable damp cloth Use a hot water and detergent solution to remove any grease and debris Rinse thoroughly with very hot water (82C) Use a suitable disinfectant to reduce bacteria to a safe level Final rinse with hot water and dry using paper towels (or allow to air dry) Equipment Only clean equipment if you have been trained to do so. This is especially important where the equipment has sharp cutting surfaces and or moving parts that are run by electricity. Care should be also taken with equipment that is hot or generates a lot of heat, for example cookers and deep fat fryers When training has been done some basic steps should be followed when cleaning equipment. The basic steps are: Disconnect the equipment from the power source Take extra care when removing any blades Remove all waste food Thoroughly wash and sanitize all parts Reassemble the equipment taking care to fit all components correctly in case they fly off during use Sanitize again those parts that will come into contact with food Ensure that all safety guards are refitted correctly. All other small items of equipment like pots, pans, cutlery, plates and glassware can be cleaned in the usual way. This may either be in a dishwasher or by hand using detergent and hot water. Sell by dates Perishable is foods that are likely to go off quickly. They normally have a sell by and use by date on them. Selling food after its sell by date is an offence. The food can be used up to and including the use by date. For an example a carton of milk may have a sell by date till the 14th march and the use by date may be the 16th march. The milk can be used on the 16th and before but not after. Most other foods have a best before day; this indicates the month up to which it will be in its best condition for eating. Some foods don’t have to require a date for example fresh fruits vegetable’s and meat from the butcher. Food It is vital that certain precautions are taken when providing food for service users. Washing of the hands is vital so hands must be washed: Before entering a food area After using the lavatory Between handling different types of food such as raw meat an cooked Before and after touching foods After coughing into the hands or using a handkerchief After touching face and hair After carrying out cleaning or handling rubbish It is essential that this is done because many bacteria live on the surface of the skin. Many of these are harmless however some can cause illness. Bacteria can be acquired from other sources and can contaminate food. Handling raw mean and poultry and then handling cooked meat is very dangerous unless hands are thoroughly washed in between. Touching the nose or coughing and sneezing over food or preparation areas should be avoided. This is because personal cleanliness is essential or bacteria will be transferred to the food. Also avoid touching the food with hands and glove wearing or using of the tong when possible is a good thing to do. This is because the less hands are in direct contact with food, the less chance there is of contamination. Touching dishes or cutlery that is to come into contact with food should also be avoided. This is because this cuts down the transfer of bacteria. Keeping the hair covered with either a hat or net and not combing hair in the food area should also be done as hair and scalp can carry bacteria that can fall into the food. Also keeping cuts and grazes covered with brightly coloured dressing as wounds are infected with bacteria and if the dressing comes off it can be easily found. Not smoking in the food areas is vital as it is against the law and can contaminate food. Also when ill food handling should not be done. This is vital because a person who is ill can infect food. Another thing that should be done is wearing clean protective clothing as there are fewer bacteria on clean clothes. Cooking Heat kills bacteria and this is why food must be cooked thoroughly. Cooking food at temperatures over 70Â °C will kill off any bacteria. If food isnt cooked at a high enough temperature, bacteria can still survive. Take special care that you cook meat all the way through. Unless you’re cooking steak or lamb and beef joints rare, it shouldn’t be pink in the middle. Use a clean skewer to pierce the meat. If it’s cooked properly, the juices will run clear. If you’re cooking meat so it’s rare, make sure that it’s properly sealed (browned) on the outside. Large pieces of meat take longer to heat up to the centre. The need for sufficiently high temperatures reaching the centre is very important. Always re-heat pre-cooked food thoroughly and only do so once. When cooking food in the microwave, stir it well from time to time to ensure that it’s evenly cooked all the way through. It is bad practice to mix previously cooked food with newly cooked food. Topping up soup lowers the temperature and increases the risk of bacteria growing. It is much safer to make up food in smaller quantises as and when it is needed. Eggs can carry salmonella, so to safeguard service users, eggs should be cooked for around seven minutes at 70ËšC. High risks foods such as eggs and chicken that are eaten immediately after cooking are safe providing the temperature is high enough. If there is going to be a gap in time between the foods being cooked and being eaten, it must be kept hot. Equipment should be used to hold the food at a temperature of 63ËšC or above. This is could be a heated tray, trolley or service counter. When using this type of equipment; heat the equipment to at least 63ËšC before loading the food, ensure the food is already fully cooked and at a minimum temperature of 63ËšC and never use the equipment to heat up cold or partially heated food. Reheating food can increase the risk of food poisoning. Some food handlers often make the mistake of thinking that because food has already been cooked it is free of bacteria. They believe that is only needs warming up. If it happens, bacteria had ideal conditions for growth for example food, warmth and liquid. Guidelines for food that needs reheating is as follows: Don’t get the food out of the refrigerator too soon and leave it lying it around Handle as little as possible and keep it covered Divide larger items into smaller portions where possible Heat the food to at least 70ËšC as its core Serve quickly following reheating Never reheat cooked food more than once If reheating ready-made meals from a shop, follow the manufactures instructions in addition to the above advice. Storing If you don’t follow the storage guidelines that come with your food, you could be letting yourself in for real problems. Storing food in the wrong place or at the wrong temperature can lead to the growth of bacteria. This means that even one piece of food left out for a couple of hours can contain millions of bacteria as bacteria flourish at body temperature which is 37ËšC. The reason foods are stored in a refrigerator is because bacteria and viruses can’t multiply below 6ËšC. The correct temperature for a refrigerator is between zero and 5ËšC. Chilled foods should be put away quickly but don’t overcrowd the refrigerator as it raises the temperature. With cooked food, let steam evaporate first before covering and placing in the refrigerator. Always keep the refrigerator clean by washing the inside surfaces with warm soapy water. Never thaw then refreeze food. To slowly defrost, take the dish out of the freezer and leave it in the refrigerator overnight rather than on the counter top. Place meats on a plate on the bottom shelf. When defrosting with the microwave, cook the dish immediately. Never freeze food that has gone beyond its use by date and remove old food regularly. Keeping the refrigerator at the right temperature helps prevent bacteria from multiplying. The correct temperature for a refrigerator is below 5ËšC and a freezer and should kept at minus 18ËšC. Check both the refrigerator and freezer regularly with a reliable thermometer. To maintain a constant temperature, keep the door shut whenever possible. When storing food in a fridge: Don’t allow the juice from the raw meat, fish and poultry to spill or drip onto any other foods. Put fruit and vegetable’s items into the salad drawer Keep milk and fruit juices on the bottom rack in the door Place dairy products , dressings, spreads, sauces, cream and convince foods on the centre and top shelves Store raw meat, fish and poultry on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. this prevents cross contamination as the blood as the other liquids from the meat and fish cannot drip down onto other foods Cooked foods should be kept on the top shelves of the refrigerator Mayonnaise and ketchup should be kept in the refrigerator after opening Never place food in an open tin in the refrigerator. Use secure containers instead and throw the food out after two or three days Keep seafood either in the refrigerator or in the freezer until you are ready to prepare it Cross contamination occurs when food is put in contact with other contaminated foods. An example of this could be the blood from a piece of chicken dripping onto a plate of cooked food. Cross contamination means that the bacteria or other pathogens have been transferred from an infected food item. They either become infected or contaminated. If food looks or smells in any way, throw it out. A sure sign of spoilage is mould. Most mouldy foods should be binned along with leaking cartons and food which has gone past its use by date. Most frozen foods should be thrown out after three to six month’s. When storing food in the freezer, remove it from the wrapping and place it in a labelled and dated freezer bag. Remember to expel all the air from the bag before sealing it. If a power cut has occurred then foods that have started to defrost should be thrown out. If the power comes back on and if there is any doubt about which foods have defrosted and refrozen, the food should be thrown away. Food that does not need keeping cold should be kept in a sealed container in a cool dry cupboard or larder. It should never be stored on the floor. Vegetables can normally be kept in a cool, dry place in loose bags or racks but not in plastic bags. This makes them sweat and rot quicker.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Does the Media Encourage Terrorism? Essay -- essays research papers f

DO THE MEDIA ENCOURAGE TERRORISM The news media of American society does not encourage terrorism. The only thing that the media encourages is knowledge of what is going on around the world. Unfortunately, some terrorist organizations use the news media to gain recognition for their groups causes and goals. Most of the time, the media will serve as force to gain citizen support for the government’s actions against a terrorist movement. The only problem with having the freedom of press that the United States enjoys is that everyone has a voice. When it comes down to an American killing an American, the media is not allied with the terrorist. In many cases the television and newspaper crews serve to work directly against the militia organization. Americans do not like to see fellow citizens die at the hands of a terrorist, especially by an American terrorist. Timothy McVeigh, probably unknowingly, helped in decreasing the number of American terrorist (Grosscup, 117). McVeigh’s act, bombing the Murrah building in Oklahoma City, was seen as so repulsive that many law-abiding people attracted to militias simply walked away. The majority of Americans didn’t want to be associated with anything like the killing of 168 Americans, even though McVeigh had only attended a few militia meetings. The media coverage for the bombing in 1995 gave the American public the education needed to assess what was going on in the militant organizations across the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  &n...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Human Capital Management Essay

â€Å"It is important for HR Management in managing the knowledge capital of an organization and aligning it with organization’s strategic plan†. Critically assess the strategic role of HCM and challenges of managing the knowledge capital in an organization that you are familiar. The organization that I would like to choose is Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Terengganu (JPNT). JPNT consists of more than 400 workforce and this agency is responsible for administrative and policy executioner of Ministry of Education in the whole Terengganu. In JPNT, there is a small unit of Human Resource Department and this department has 20 staffs. However, until the last day of my service there, the HR department did not establish any single policy about human capital management. Therefore I will attempt to answer this question while recommending what should be done by JPNT to succeed in maximizing their human capital. Before we discuss further the strategic role of HCM and challenges that had to be overcome by HCM specialist, let us look at the technical definition of this question. Knowledge capital is defined by Business Dictionary as the â€Å"know how† that results from the experience, information, knowledge, learning, and skills of the employees of an organization. Of all the factors of production, knowledge capital creates the longest lasting competitive advantage. It may consist entirely of technical information or may reside in the actual experience or skills acquired by the individuals (BusinessDictionary. com 2012) . Knowledge capital is an essential component of human capital. Human Capital is defined by (Baron and Armstrong 2007) as the knowledge, skills, abilities and capacity to develop and innovate possessed by people in the organization. This is one of the attributes of the intellectual capital. Intellectual capital is defined by the same author as the stocks and flows of knowledge available to an organization. It is categorized into three categories namely human capital, social capital and organizational capital. These capitals are usually combined with the physical resources which are the financial and physical assets for the purpose of value creation to the firm. As cited by (Sveiby 1998)Tom Stewart who in his June 1991 article Brain Power – How Intellectual Capital Is Becoming America’s Most Valuable Asset, proposed the importance of intellectual capital to the management agenda. He defined intellectual capital in his article as: the sum of everything everybody in your company knows that gives you a competitive edge in the market place. Knowledge Management consists of managerial activities that focus on the development and control of knowledge in an organization to fulfill organizational objectives. (Sveiby 1998) Therefore it means that the integration of all management activities that focus on development and control of knowledge is what we call as knowledge management. Challenges of managing knowledge capital in JPNT will be diffused together as I explained about the role of HCM in the organization. Knowledge management is defined as the process of storing and sharing the wisdom, understanding and expertise accumulated in an organization about its processes, techniques and operations (Baron and Armstrong 2007). Therefore, the data that should be synthesized and acquired should explain the organization’s activity for instance the achievement of the employees in knowledge sharing among them and ensure that the knowledge is maximized in terms of its usage. Everybody must share their skill, knowledge and experience without any malicious intentions for the purpose of maximizing the performance of JPNT. However, it brings challenges to HR specialist in JPNT as it is not a culture of sharing. Some of the staffs afraid to share their know how because they thought that by doing so, it might jeopardized their career envelopment in the future. HR specialist overcomes this by implementing a fair assessment indicator to measure their performance without favoritism, nepotism and biasness. In my opinion, the most important attributes that distinguish Human Resource (HR) with Human Capital Management is the element of the workers as assets. As discussed by (Baron and Armstrong 2007) human capital theory emphasized on regarding people as assets of the organization, and investment in people will generate long run return. Scarborough and Elias noted that human capital theory is similar to physical capital theory but they differ in terms of the reference for human capital theory is made to people and skills while in physical capital theory reference is made to plant and equipments. Both emphasized on value creations to firm. Thus by applying this theory, JPNT needs to redefine the cost associated with training and development and career progression as the investment that will create value for the agency. Staff that undergoes training must be ensured that the new skills matched with their job description and the staff is using that new knowledge in order to effectively execute their job. For instance, the weekly training is not supposed to be done by the JPNT if on the purpose of fulfilling the quotas of training hours. Remuneration is not under JPNT’s jurisdictions however JPNT can recommend the salary of their staff to PSD (Public Service Department). Accepting staff as the asset of the organization will be mutually benefit to both parties involved. On the employee’s part, they will be feeling more motivated, appreciated thus will contribute better in their performances. As for the organization, it will boost the overall organization’s performance, decrease turnover rate, absenteeism and other negative behavior of the staffs. However this theory is not agreed by some scholar for instance Davenport(1999). Davenport argued that worker must not be treated as assets because of three main reasons. The first reason is workers cannot be brought, sold and replaced by their owner. Secondly, the principle of this theory is unacceptable and inappropriate in practice is because workers cannot be owned by the firm as the firm owned plants and machines. Lastly, there is not absolute way of calculating human value-no convincing method of attaching financial value to human resources. Therefore, treating workers sorely based on assets can create drawback to the organization. The interpretation of this concept should be made carefully and it should match with the objective of the organization. It is also not an easy task to convince the top management since the culture of bureaucracy is very strong in JPNT. The next part, I will discuss about the strategic role of HCM. HCM’s role as stated in the book Human Capital Management by Baron and Armstrong, HCM acts as business partner of the firm. Secondly, they are also responsible in developing, analyzing and using business data. Thirdly, they are also responsible for enhancing job engagement and commitment, fourthly, they are responsible to build ‘Business Case’ and lastly, they are also responsible for engaging with the other function of the organization. (Baron and Armstrong 2007)These points will be elaborated one by one in below. For the first one HCM acts as the business partner with the top management of the organization. This concept was introduced by Ulrich in 1998 where the author proposed that HR specialist should be share responsibility with management people to run the business. They must have the ability to understand and exploit opportunities and HR specialist themselves must understand how their role could help in achieving the objective of the organizations. Ulrich suggested that in order for the organization to create value, HR professionals must carry out their responsibility as strategic partners, administrative experts, employees’ advocates and as driver of changes. This can be done through strategy execution, improved planning by thorough discussion on how the firm should be organized to carry out the strategies. HR engagement with operating and marketing function is essentials in ensuring that all of their initiatives will become successful by answering the following issues- whether the initiatives is best aligned with strategy implementations, they make selection based on priority, and lastly the evaluations of the initiatives should be indicate positive linkage to business result. HR specialist must act as employee advocate, human capital developer, functional expert, strategic partner and lastly as leader in terms of HR function. However, the premise â€Å"HCM act as business partner† did not agreed by all practitioners. Tim Miller and Alex Wilson reported by Smethurst(2005) and Pickard(2005) are the examples of the top management who disagree with this premise. Convincing the top management will not going to be easy. Still HCM emphasized on the importance of evaluation of what had been happen within the organization and it also provides basis for value adding strategist. Therefore, according to this theory, HCM in this case the HR specialist in the human resource department should work together with the top management of JPNT in ensuring the creation of value to the firm. The value that we meant here is creating competitive human capital that at the end of the day this human capital will be able to serve successfully to their customers thus deliver excellence business service for the organizations. Secondly, HR is responsible to develop, analyze and use human capital data. The measurements that must be developed by HR should be able to measure issues relating to workforce, capable of measuring the levels and trends in performance achieved by both individual and business, can measure the impact of HR policies and practices on business performance or what Mercer HR Consulting called as â€Å"Business Impact Modeling†. It is also expected that HR should be able in building an effective measurement to measure the effectiveness of line manager in applying HR policies and the measurement tools should be able to measure the effectiveness of HR function (Baron and Armstrong 2007). The workforce matrix should provide data which allows the business to measure the key characteristics of the people it employs. Understanding the relationship between workforce matrix and people management is very important because the workforce matrix focus on the influences business performance and show the business of what need to be done to improved the added value from human capital resources. Therefore, HR cannot simply gain data without proper implementations of specific procedures and standards because gaining accurate data will never be easy. The data accuracy will show the current situation and trends of human capital within the organizations. In JPNT, the typical tool to measure the human capital is Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in human resource department reflect the organizational goal. They matched the number of training and types of training according to the need of the staff. Therefore KPI’s adopt by Human Resource department is quantifiable; they are defined in terms of the feedback that they gain through exit training survey. This KPI however is not emphasized on skills retention that the staff gained on the training. They are not focus workers as the assets of an organization; therefore, I think there are a lot of improvement needs to be carried out to improve this measurement method. Next, is on the aspect of measuring the overall performance. Human Resource department use Balance Score Card that is developed by Beatty et. Al (2005) to measure them. Balance Score Card highlighted four important aspects which are customer perspectives, internal perspectives, innovations and learning perspectives and lastly the financial perspectives. This scorecard focuses on balanced representation and analysis of data. In HR, four dimensions are being highlighted which are HR competencies, its practices, systems and deliverables. On the aspect of financial performance, the HR department always runs cost benefit analysis to choose the best trainer to train their staff or just simply using the internal sources that they have. Productivity is measure when the training course that undergo by the staff is beneficial and the new knowledge are continuously used by the staff. The operational impact or effectiveness is measure for instance creation of successful training course to the staff and when the staff perceived such programs contribute to their career developments. Lastly, is in terms of customer service. Through continuous training programs, the staffs become more skillful in treating the customers thus more of them will be delighted. Measuring the impact of HR policies and practices are one of the toughest roles of HR specialist. This is because it is hard to determine â€Å"causation†-what actions or factors that are specially cause the performance (Baron and Armstrong 2007). Genome II is a model that was developed by National Building Society proved statistically that the more committed the employee, the happier the customer will. Genome project had focus on recruitment and retention, deeper understanding of the commitment of the employees, reward system that is more transparent and flexible, increase the effectiveness of the execution on the first line management, promotes recognitions, and develop a culture where both managers and their subordinates demonstrate right behaviors. Focus area of GenomeII could act as a benchmark to be applied in JPNT. Effectiveness of the line manager could be improved with the intervention HCM (Bohlander and Snell 2010). Guidance, help and further training is available in case where they need them. With this, it was hoped that line managers can carry out their people management responsibilities effectively. For instance if the line manager of JPNT encounter any unsolved problem or the problem is not routine, they can always refers to HCM specialist to guide them. Human resource should be measure to indicate whether they are executing their role and meet the target of their department. Tsui and Gomez-Mejia (1998) cited in (Baron and Armstrong 2007) had clarified the distinction between process criteria- how well things are done and output criteria- the effectiveness of the end result. To distinguish them, ‘utility approach’ by Boudreau(1998) can be applied. Beside this approach, HR performances can also be measured using points suggested by Likierman (2005) that the budget allocation is in line with HR objectives- means HR has a say in changes in implementing the strategy, analyze and interpret the reason behind it, comparing internal and external benchmarking, enhance the usage face to face discussion to gain the feedback, and lastly the measurement should not expect to measure something that is impossible, and they should be noted that many problems just being mitigated, instead of being solved, and this is harmful to the JPNT. Another important role of HCM is in the terms of promoting job engagement and commitment. Job engagement happens when people are willing to commit to their work and willing to perform excellently in their job. Hay Group defined engage performance as a result that is stimulated by employee’s enthusiasm for their work and direct it to the success of the organizations. On the other hand, organizational commitment is defined as the recognition of goals and values of the organization, a sense of belonging to the organization and willingness to contribute effort for the organization (Baron and Armstrong 2007). Organization commitment and job engagement can be created by JPNT if JPNT set a great place to work, HR people promotes positive discretionary behavior, create excellence total reward policy and constantly measure job engagement and commitments. JPNT should provide conductive working environment- comfortable in nature, ergonomics, make sure that the job prospect is parallel with training, appraisal, and the superior staff should take care of the welfare of their subordinates. JPNT can adopt the criteria suggested by The Sunday Times in identifying the best 100 companies which are leadership of senior management level, good relation with their superiors, have the opportunities of personal growth and developments, balanced work-life issues, cooperativeness between colleagues, my company- the way JPNT treats its staff and lastly the fair deal- pay and benefits are provided to all, without nepotism and biasness. The superior should also act in discretion manner; it means that not everything must be solved black and white. For instance, if one of the subordinates absent for their work with a concrete reason, the superior should not punish he or her. Reward is categorized into two which are transactional reward (tangible reward-the pay and benefits) and relational reward (intangible reward-learning and development and work environment). That is the responsibility of HR to create the best reward model that can motivate their employees in the future. The tangible reward is easily to be copied by the competitors as everyone have the capability to pay and gives benefit for instance dental plan, but the intangible reward it harder to be imitated thus increase the chances of sustaining the firm’s competitive advantages. Next, another role for HR professionals is as strategist. Strategist here means HR professional should be able to address long term issues related to management and development of people and the employment relationships. This role is clearly demonstrated when HR professional are being regarded as business partner- they have the persuasion power to influence the top managers to develop business strategies that are maximizing the potential of human capital. (Baron and Armstrong 2007) As we discussed earlier, people are the assets of the organizations, thus they are one of the resource to achieve and sustain competitive advantage of JPNT HCM is also responsible to develop a good business case. Baron and Armstrong 2007) As I discussed previously, HR specialist should be able to persuade top management, a good business case can act as one of the convincing evidences on why the top management should agree to HR specialist’s proposals. The case should show how the purposed course will add value in terms of income will exceed the cost or by executing the proposal, it will yield positive return on investments (Bohlander and Snell 2010). The business case should present on how the available human capital data will impact on key areas of organization’s operation, show how it will the proposal will increase the business competitive edge, or presenting a successful pilot projects to be implemented to the entire organization, the proposal can be implemented without much hassles, it will also able to enhance the employer’s brand by promoting JPNT as the best place to work and lastly the points, data are presented in neat manner, simple and easy to understand. Challenges for managing knowledge are knowledge acquisition, knowledge modeling, knowledge retrieval, knowledge reuse and knowledge maintenance. In JPNT it is hard to get the information needed and turn the information to become useable. For instance, it is hard to transform the tacit knowledge to become explicit knowledge, to identify the gaps in knowledge, and difficult to acquire and integrate the knowledge that is cross departmental and different expertise. Therefore, it is important for the HR specialist in JPNT to be able to create an approach that is able to integrate all knowledge in the organization so that it can be benefited to all. On the top of that, knowledge modeling is also can be another obstacle for HR specialist in managing knowledge capital in the organization. The challenge that is faced by JPNT HR specialist is how to use the knowledge available in solving problems because knowledge possessed by staffs are varies from one another (Bhojaraju 2005). To overcome this, HR departments had introduce mentor and protege program. As a conclusion, the roles that are played by HCM are indeed complex and requires HR specialists to be able to multitasking, possessed multidisciplinary of knowledge and wide range of skills to execute their roles perfectly thus enable them to overcome the challenges of managing knowledge capital in JPNT. Top managements should also give full cooperation in favor of HCM so that the utilization of knowledge capital in JPNT could be maximized.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Vedic Religion, Mythology, and Society.

Paige Hammerl Vedic Religion, Mythology and Society The early civilizations of India have proven to be a highly intellectual, god fearing, and advanced collaboration of people. From approximately 2700 B. C. E to around 500 B. C. E two societies flourished in the northern region of India known as the Indus Valley. The Indus Valley Civilization and later, the Aryans – believed by some to have migrated to India from Europe and the middle East – paved the foundation of Hinduism through the influences of their cultures, early religions and social structures.Unfortunately, there is little to be said of the earliest inhabitants, the people of the Indus Valley Civilization because there still does not exist a decipherment of the Indus Valley Script. Based on loose interpretations of artifacts found in ancient Indus Valley cities, we have been able to depict that the people of the Indus Valley were originally a nomadic tribe, but later had a high degree of uniformity amongst cit y development, a language written on a variety of small 1 inch seals, and may have worshiped Goddesses or a pre-Siva God, often seen on these seals with three faces, bullhead, sitting in a yogic position.According to A. L Bashman’s book The Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism, over time the Indus Valley Civilazation began to dwindle because they were driven from their lands by natural disasters, such as the sudden rise in the level of the sea bed south of the delta of the Indus River (Bashman, 1989, pg. 2). Although we have been able to extract minuscule clues from the Indus Valley Civilization, most of Hinduism's pre-history stems from an religious Aryan ancient text called The Veda, consisting of four traditions, the Rg-, Yajur-, Sama-, and Atharva-.It is important to mention that the Veda’s are thought of as eternal, or not written by human beings, and the Aryan people passed down knowledge of the Veda’s from generation to generation through word of mouth. People saw the Veda’s as extremely sacred texts or scriptures and they were verbally relayed for nearly 3000 years with little to almost no change to them. By some the translation of the Veda’s into written word was viewed as against the religion because traditionally not everyone was actually allowed or able to learn the Veda’s in early times, and also it was as if physical written words tainted the sacredness of the scripture.The priestly class of the Vedic Aryans, known as the Brahmans, were viewed as the preservers of vedic tradition. They were allowed to attend the various theological schools which would specialize in the memorization of specific texts within the Veda’s. The Veda’s were composed chronologically with the Rg-Veda as the first text â€Å"written†. The Rg-Veda consists of 10 books of 1028 hymns praising various deities, guessed to be composed in early Sanskrit as early as 1200 BCE over a period of a few hundred year s. The Sama-Veda is a book of songs, all based on the hymns of the Rg-Veda.The Yajur-Veda consists of 4 books: one book is the white Yajur-Veda, and the other three are the black Yajur Veda. Within these books lies vital information regarding procedures for rituals and sacrifices. Lastly, the Atharva-Veda is a collection of hymns and â€Å"magical† material (spells, charms, imprecations, and incantations), and this Veda is essentially overlapping magic and religion. Each of the four Veda’s have a vast number of gods, or devas, being acknowledged and praised. However, within the Veda’s, stories or myths of the gods are scarcely present; that information was assumed to be common knowledge.All the pantheon of Vedic religion are divided into two classes: the gods (devas) which follow rta, the cosmic order, the set course of nature, and the demons (asura), follow anrta, or anti-rta, in an attempt to overturn the natural course of things. The gods uphold rta, which is essentially moral and physical universal law. Many other gods or devas are deities associated with nature, the heavens and space. The main Devas include Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Nastya, and the minor devas include Yama, Vishnu, and Rudra. The nature divinities include Surya (sun), Agni (fire), Soma (ritual plant), Pajanya (rain), Ushas (dawn), Earth, Moon and Night.The gods are viewed as powerful and willing beings whose pleasure or dissatisfaction determines the course of events in humans day to day lives. If they are pleased they can bless the people with rain for their crops, fertility in woman, good health, etc. and if they are displeased they first punish wrong-doers with disease, and after they are banished to â€Å"The House of Clay† a gloomy hell-like place, similar to where Hades of the Greeks resides. Of all the gods mentioned in the vedas, most notably in the Rg-Veda, the god Indra, god of war and weather, has a staggering 250 hymns in his honor.Indra is believed to be the creator of the cosmos, for when the demons, led by the serpent Vrtra, came to attack the gods, Indra, strengthed by Soma drink, faced them alone and came out victorious and from Vrtra’s dead body he created our world. Because of this, Indra is mainly viewed as a war leader (Bashman, 1989, pg. 12). The Veda’s main function were its involvement in public worship, and it were an essential part in rituals. The vedic Aryans main religious practice was promised religious sacrifice on a cyclical basis with the purpose of pleasing the gods and their ancestors.Both demanded praise and acknowledgement so anything from milk, clarified butter or ghee, curds, grain (rice/barely), soma plant, and even domestic animals were all used as offerings to the gods during sacrificial ceremonies (Bashman, 1989, ). There were two types of sacrificial ceremonies: domestic (life-cycle rites, requiring one fire) and solemn (public rites, requiring three fires). The vedic Aryan people used regular sacrificial ritual to maintain functionality of their tribe or cities. The gods were believed to have control over things such as rain, disease, sun, fertility, etc. o the people would sacrifice various goods/animals in their name in order to please them or strengthen them to help them. in order to maintain the functionality of the tribe. Each ritual was an extremely delicate experience. If one word, or one procedure was out of place the ritual was deemed void, and could even sometimes cause harm to the tribe for displeasing the gods. This is where the use of Brahman’s were vital, the rituals did not require massive buildings or elaborate icons, but only a qualified Brahman who knew all the required procedures learned from the Yajur-Veda.Often they had several Brahman’s present in order to ensure the correct sequence of events occurred. Rituals were centered around the idea of fire. In rituals the fire god Agni would, via a specific number of domestic fires, re ceive sacrifices/praises from the people and pass them onto the other gods. This gives Agni the reputation of a rather important god, with 200 hymns dedicated to him in the Rg-Veda. Fire was viewed as a link between the worldly and divine realms (Flood, 2004, 41). Also, rituals consisted one other important act preformed by the Brahmans – the eating of the Soma plant.According to Gavin Flood in An Introduction to Hinduism, Soma is believed to be some variation of a hallucinogenic mushroom, and was used to bring the priests to a mystical state where they could see the gods and recite veda hymns to them. Soma was not only a plant used in rituals, but was also a deity (god) and was praised for creating the link between gods and humans. To the drinker, Soma brought superhuman strength, a sense of growing to a gigantic size, and gave visions of the gods coming down to join the worshipers (Bashman, 1989, 14).Soma was also given to the gods during rituals as a strength inducer so th ey would be able to fight off the demons causing a tribe grief. As stated in An Introduction to Hinduism, rituals were preformed on a daily basis by every Aryan at around dusk or dawn, and also more complicated rituals were preformed at the beginning of the two lunar fortnights of the months (the days of full and new moons). One expensive and important ritual preformed during this period was the rajasuya sacrifice. It was a royal sacrifice used by kings to ensure them a place in heaven during afterlife and also to prove their worth as a king.This complicated sacrifice was put on by the king and was centered around a great stallion (or horse) that would be followed by groups of men for about a year as it roamed the plains going city to city demanding praise before coming back to the main city to be sacrificed to the gods. The significance of the rajasuya sacrificial ceremony was its link to political power (Bashman, 1989, 33). These sacrifices were used to maintain the functionality of a tribe/city and give kings the opportunity to prove their worth to the people, so kings would pay all the extensive expenses in order to put forth these ceremonies.However, the only people that were able to preform these specific ceremonies with perfect precision was the priest class (Brahmans). This gave them a considerable amount of power, and one could argue that it created a power struggle between the ruling class and the priestly class. Nevertheless, all the sacrificial offering ceremonies were a time for rejoicing, not only for the kings who put them on, but also for the entire population because everyone was benefiting. Later in vedic history, after all the Veda’s had been written, people began to grow antsy with their religion.They started to seek more answers and try to create connections between the meaning of life, birth/rebirth, karma, the gods, and the purpose of ritual (Reat, 1977, 1). This is the period when the Upanishads were written. The Upanishads were a â€Å"secret conversation† that was only meant to be heard by a select few people, and was the beginning of the emergence of Enlightenment and created the basis of classical Hinduism. Vedic religion is not the same as the Hinduism religion, it is however a precursor to it.From the vedic religion we can see the pre-stages of important Hinduism concepts, such as the connection between religious sacrifice and karma. To this day some people in traditional Hindu and Nepal societies practice early vedic traditions. The vedic religion is overall a polytheistic religion, however it seen being practiced as monotheistic and henotheistic, and in my opinion this excerpt coming from the Yajur-Veda sums up the Vedic Religion: â€Å"O Supreme Force governing the world! You function as per unchangeable laws which remain the same throughout without slightest of deviations.May I also seek inspiration from. You to be unflinchingly principled in my life. Thus I resolve to seek truth constantl y by eliminating the false from my life every moment to the best of my abilities, intentions and efforts. May I be successful in this noble decision of mine. † Yajurveda 1. 5 Bibliography Bashman, A. L. The Origins & Development of Classical Hinduism. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Print. Flood, Gavin. An Introduction to Hinduism. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print. Hammerl, Paige and Deshpande, Madhov. Vedic Religion/Lifestyle Notes.Jamison, S. J. and Witzel, M. â€Å"Vedic Hinduism. † FAS at Harvard University. Harvard University. 2002. Web. Accessed February 4th, 2013. Lorenzen, David N. â€Å"Who Invented Hinduism? † Comprehensive Studies in Society and History. Cambridge University Press. October 1999. Web. 4 February 2013. Ross Reat, Noble. â€Å"Karma and Rebirth in the Upanishads and Buddhism. † Lancaster, England: ProQuest and Information and Learning Company. December 1977. Print (on the web). â€Å"Srauta. † Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 4 December 2012. Web. Access February 4th, 2013.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Talk about Your Career When Youre Out of a Job

How to Talk about Your Career When Youre Out of a Job In a culture where your job is often linked to your identity, being unemployed can make social interaction tough. You don’t want to put an awkward damper on the conversation, but you do need a quick answer to that inevitable question, â€Å"So, what do you do?† Here are some ideas on how to keep the conversation flowing (and possibly gain a new professional contact!):1. Avoid using the word â€Å"unemployed,† instead talk about your â€Å"transition.†Try statements like, â€Å"I was formerly with Company XY, but am looking to transition to a smaller, more focused company † or â€Å"I’m hoping to transition to a new department in my field, so I’m currently on the hunt for marketing jobs instead of admin.†2. Talk about your field–no need to mention a specific job.You don’t need to name a company when you talk about your career: â€Å"I’m in book sales–I specialize in young adult fiction.† Stateme nts like this are the truth, and can open the door to a conversation about your skill sets and what you might be looking for in the future.3. Change the subject to activities you take part in outside of your career.Responses like, â€Å"I’m currently looking for work, but in the meantime, I volunteer at my local animal shelter† are a graceful way to answer the question and discuss interesting projects close to your heart.Even if you’re unemployed, you’re still the same talented person with a collection of interests and skills to discuss in any social situation. Always present yourself as capable and confident about the future to come–and open to making new networking contacts!How To Introduce Yourself When You’re UnemployedRead More at Careerealism

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Social Emotional Learning Competencies

Social Emotional Learning Competencies There are many different ways students experience stress in schools, from standardized or high stakes testing to bullying. In order to better  equip students with the emotional skills they will need while they are schools, once they leave school and enter the work force. Many schools are adopting programs to help support  Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).  Ã‚  The definition of  Social-Emotional Learning or SEL is:   (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.   In education, SEL has become the way schools and districts have coordinated activities  and programs in character education, violence prevention, anti-bullying, drug prevention and school discipline. Under this organizational umbrella, the primary goals of SEL are to reduce these problems enhancing the school climate, and improve students’ academic performance. FIVE COMPETENCIES FOR SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING: Research shows that in order for students to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills described in SEL, students need to be  competent,  or have  abilities, in five areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making. The following criteria for these skills could serve as an inventory for students to self-evaluate as well: Collaborative for Academic,  Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)  defines these areas of ability as: Self-awareness:   This is the students ability to accurately recognize emotions and thoughts and the influence   of emotions and thoughts on behavior. Self-awareness means that a student can accurately assessing his or her own strengths as well as limitations. Students who are self-aware possess a sense of confidence and optimism.  Self-management:  This is the ability for a student to regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations. The ability to self-manage includes how well the student manages stress, controls impulses,and   motivates himself or herself. The student who can self-manage can set and work toward achieving personal and academic goals.Social awareness:  This is the ability for a student to use another lens or another persons point of view. Students who are socially aware can empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures. These students can understand diverse social and ethical norms for behavior. Students who ar e socially aware can recognize and know where to find family, school, and community resources and supports.   Relationship skills:  This is the ability for a student to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. Students who have strong relationship skills  Ã‚  listening actively and  can communicate clearly. These students are cooperative while resisting inappropriate social pressure. These students have the ability to negotiate conflict constructively. Students with strong relationship skills can seek and offer help when needed.Responsible decision making:  This is the ability for a student to make constructive and respectful choices about his or her own personal behavior and social interactions. These choices are based on consideration of ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms. They respect the realistic evaluations of situations. Students who exhibit responsible decision making respect the consequences of various actions, the well-being of themselves, and the well-being of others. CONCLUSION The research  shows that  these competencies are taught most effectively within caring, supportive, and well-managed learning environments.   Incorporating social emotional learning programs (SEL) in school curriculum is considerably different than offering programs for math and reading test achievement. The goal of SEL programs is to develop students to be healthy, safe, engaged, challenged, and supported beyond school, well into college or career. The consequence, however, of good SEL programming,  is that the research shows that it results in a general improvement in academic achievement. Finally, the students who participate in social emotional learning programs offered through schools learn identify their individual strengths and weaknesses in dealing with stress. Knowing individual   strength or weaknesses can help student develop the social emotional skills they need to be successful in college and/or career.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Summary - Essay Example The chapter addresses the ambiguous nature of the behaviors of basking sharks. Wells points out that very few facts are known about the basking sharks, which makes it almost impossible to come up with ways to preserve it. It is among the most sought fish species to an extent that it has been declared as an endangered species yet its mating and breeding habits are mysterious. This has made it almost impossible for zoologists to protect their young ones artificially. Irrespective of its large size, the basking shark has not been able to escape from the human impacts. It is quite unclear why the basking sharks choose to stay close to the water surface where planktons are minimal. Additionally this behavior exposes them to the danger of being fished. Though there have been regulations set to regulate the fishing of basking shark, it becomes impossible to avoid trapping the off springs of basking shark since it is hard to tell their whereabouts. However, Wells criticizes the enthusiasm wi th which humans harpoon the endangered species whenever they can. The mating habits of the basking sharks and their behaviors are incomprehensible to many. Even to the marine zoologists know too little to compile a history of this organism. One of the least understood behavior is the migration of the basking sharks to the bottom of the ocean during winter. ... Unlike other types of fish where age can be predicted by observing the scales, sharks have no scales. Vital information such as the rate of reproduction amongst the basking sharks remains unknown. Irrespective of the fact that basking sharks are often harpooned or netted, it is almost impossible to capture a pregnant female. According to Wells (76) the only pregnant female that has ever been captured, in 1936, gave birth to five living young ones ascertaining that basking sharks are viviparous like other sharks. This is quite strange and makes it hard to determine the growth rate of basking sharks. The ratio of males to females is unknown in addition to the unknown mating habits. It is hard to contemplate of an organism considered the second largest fish that is often harpooned, yet so little is known about it. The attempts made to track the movements of basking sharks to see if it could help reveal a little about their life history were unsuccessful. Wells attributes this to the unw illingness of any authorities to fund the operations. This is because most people view conservative efforts as irrelevant. Since animals migrate freely across territorial and economic boundaries, it becomes nobody’s business to ensure that they are protected. The same individual who do so little to protect the endangered species end up being the beneficiaries of the over exploitative fishing behaviors exhibited towards the species. Zoologists who are concerned with the welfare of animal species have little say particularly on issues regarding fishing of sharks for economic gain. Their efforts to give advice on measures that can be taken to protect endangered species are ignored by those who fear that

Friday, November 1, 2019

Do the question 1 write a report how to get the number and analysis Coursework

Do the question 1 write a report how to get the number and analysis it, - Coursework Example d contractual right to obtain residual payments of 12.5% of the profits on the sale for such items as phonographic recordings that were sold to the public. Ms. Lee did not receive the whole $ 9 million nevertheless she settled the case with Disney and received a milestone settlement of almost $ 2.3 million that represented a portion of her part of the returns made from the sale of the videocassette on the film Lady and the Tramp. Ms. Peggy Lee received nearly $ 3,500 for working on a film that may have earned millions of dollars. Therefore, the calculation of damages, according to Ms. Peggy Lee and her attorneys for the breach of contract that resulted in Disneys offer of a comparatively trivial amount of $ 381,000 involved the point that her interpretation of the contract with Disney was that she was eligible to 12.5% of the profits made from the sales of the movie on DVD and videocassettes. Ms. Peggy Lee had to convince the jury that the DVDs and video cassettes were not covered in her original contract with Disney for her to be entitled to far more money than the $ 381,000 that was calculated by Disney. The glitch for Ms. Peggy Lee and Disney was due to the fact that videocassette technology was not something that either party anticipated back in 1952 and the main concern in the case is whether the utilization of Ms. Peggy Lees songs and her voice on the videocassettes was not ratified in the language contained in the initial

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Museum of Tolerance Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Museum of Tolerance - Personal Statement Example The museum without the expertise of the team from Collections department will not be able to accumulate the present collection of precious and prized pieces of arts, literature, and music. The people from Building Operations department are responsible for the museums physical condition and building security. Management has the responsibility to take necessary actions in order to address the pressing issue of big budget which has been cut from the museum's annual subsidy. After carefully reviewing the current administrative structure, collections, research, public programs, building operations, and all other museum activities, and after examining functional duties of each department, one can still cut the Building Operations department's budget. The building has enough security cameras that a dozen of security men are good enough to handle the museums security threat such as burglars, thieves, and vandals. I have visited several museums but this has been, by far, one of my favorites. The things may remind one of the horrors of the Holocaust but it serves to remind us of our own mortality.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The mantle of mistakes

The mantle of mistakes A mistake is made, the consequences pour forward. For each mistake, there is the concomitant necessity to atone, but, if one corrects their mistake before it is too late, they may be able to evade that atonement. In William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, one is able to witness how severe mistakes that are neglected, and left unrealized, lead to the tragic destruction of the two protagonists. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, the two protagonists, are from two different families, who have past rivalries and do not associate with one another. Romeo and Juliet hurriedly marry each other, but because of their ill-fate, they eventually meet their demise. Their death is caused not so much by their own flaws as by numerous obstacles in their path, which are created by other characters. The characters that induce the most dramatic and critical affect upon the young couples death, are Tybalt, the Nurse, and Friar Laurence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hot-blooded and furious cousin of Juliet, Tybalt, bears a grudge against Romeo, which inevitably leads to a series of misfortunes. When he confronts Romeo at the Capulets party, he is dishonoured in front of a whole debauchery because of Romeo. Later on, he pursues Romeo to take revenge, â€Å"Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries, that thou hast done to me† (Act III, sc i, ll 65-66), and erroneously slays Mercutio, Romeos friend. Romeo then slays Tybalt to avenge his friends death, and, runs away. Meanwhile, the Prince, who is the leader of the city, announces that Romeo is banished from Verona, â€Å"Immediately we do exile him hence† (Act III, sc i, ll 187). This causes Juliet to weep for her husband. Her parents assume that she is sad because of Tybalts death, and decide that she should get married to the County Paris immediately, which is a great misunderstanding. Above all, her father threatens to disown her if she does not marry Paris. T his forces Juliet to take drastic measures, and drink the potion that Friar Laurence provides her with, which is followed by the death of Romeo and Juliet. If Tybalt did not pursue Romeo and initiate the conflicts, neither Mercutio nor Tybalt would have met their end, and Romeo would not have been banished. If Romeo did not get exiled, Juliet would not have gone to such drastic measures to evade her marriage with Paris. If Juliet did not take Friar Lawrences potion, Romeo would not have killed Paris, or drank the poison, and Juliet would not have committed suicide. In other words, if Tybalt did not make the mistake of disregarding the Prince and Lord Capulets strict orders, the deaths of the innocent characters would not have occurred.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Besides the childish behaviour of Tybalt, an adult that should take responsibility for the tragedy is the Nurse. The Nurse is the person who has been taking care of Juliet since the day she was born. Unfortunately, even she makes mistakes. She helps the two marry each other. She even goes as far as to tell Romeo, that, â€Å"For the gentlewoman is young and therefore, if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing† (Act II, sc iv, ll 163-166), meaning that she makes sure that Romeo knows, that he better mean that he wants to marry Juliet. The Nurse helps Juliet to get to her wedding, which is very foolish of her, since she does not even think the slightest bit about what would happen if the two were to marry. After Romeo is banished, the Nurse does not support him anymore. Moreover, she does not understand that Juliets love for Romeo is genuine, and not some childish infatuation. She be trays Juliet, even though she is a wise and experienced woman. She encourages her to forget about Romeo and marry the County Paris instead, â€Å"I think it best you married with the County† (Act III, sc v, ll 225), which discourages Juliet greatly, since the Nurse was the only person Juliet could earnestly confide in. This betrayal by the Nurse leaves Juliet alone to make her own decisions. The Nurse is supposed to be one of Juliets best friends. Now when it is important for Juliet to have someone support her, she is disheartened. She also knows of the secret marriage between Romeo and Juliet, yet she does not notify others of it. As a result, the Nurse thinks she is helping Juliet by leading her on that path, but, in truth, she is only helping her towards her death. That is an error that could have been easily resolved, but, she does not even know she made that error in the first place. Otherwise, if the Nurse continued supporting Juliet, she would have confided in her, and the Nurse could have stopped the whole tragedy from happening.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Likewise, the gullible and somewhat secretive Friar Laurence plays a big part in the death of the young couple. He is a Franciscan Friar and is well-known throughout Verona. The Friar does all his actions, without even slightly thinking about the results. He is present throughout Romeo and Juliets lives; he unites them, comes up with a plan to keep them together, and is an ally throughout their tragedies. Nevertheless, Friar Laurences foolish actions in marrying Romeo and Juliet, creating thoughtless plans, and his fear of committing sin, all contribute to the deaths of them. For instance, after the death of Mercutio and Tybalt, and Romeos banishment, Friar Laurence is still not aware of the consequences of Romeo and Juliets marriage. Instead, he continues his effort in reuniting Romeo and Juliet. The plan he concocts for reuniting them is very risky, and badly thought out. Juliet is willing to commit suicide if the Friar does not help her, so, to appease her, the Friar gives her a potion to drink, and that potion, would keep her in a death-like state for forty-two hours. Meanwhile, he sends a letter to inform Romeo of the plan, but it never reaches him. Friar John, the person who is supposed to deliver the letter, says this to Friar Laurence, â€Å"I could not send it-here it is again-† (Act V, sc ii, ll 14). This tells the reader that Friar Laurence does not tell the messenger the importance of the letter beforehand. Also, Friar Laurence does not abide by his agreement with Romeo, â€Å"Sojourn in Mantua; Ill find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time† (Act III, sc iii, ll 168-169), which means he would notify Romeo of happenings via his manservant, Balthasar. Furthermore, the Friar contributes to the death of Juliet by his cowardly behaviour in the tomb. He does not comfort her at seeing her love dead and he also does not give her hope for future life other than life among holy nuns, â€Å"Ill dispose of thee , among a sisterhood of holy nuns† (Act V, sc iii, ll 156-157). After that, he abandons her, as he does not want to be seen or caught in the midst of all the drama. This is very irresponsible, cowardly, and selfish, especially since Juliet threatens to kill herself in the presence of Friar Laurence earlier in the play. In short, because of Friar Laurences short-sightedness and mistakes that he overlooks, he dooms those he tries to help. He puts the core of the catastrophe into motion, all starting with rashness, hastiness and numerous bad decisions. He tries to please everyone, but ends up pleasing no one. Therefore, if the two did not know Friar Laurence at all, this would not have ended as a tragedy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In brief, from the very beginning, the young couple is destined to die. Almost every decision that the three characters make, leads up to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The deaths are the fault of the people who do not realize their mistakes earlier, and now grieve. These characters are Tybalt, the Nurse and Friar Laurence. They assist fate in succeeding to not allow Romeo and Juliet to be together. All of them make considerable mistakes by not thinking before acting. If the Nurse had continued supporting Juliet, Friar Laurence had thought carefully and Tybalt did not hold a grudge, these deaths would not have occurred. The outcome would have been completely different. The errors and senseless decisions that they made, became the sorrow of their whole lives.