Monday, January 27, 2020

Organizational Culture Case Study: BrainGame

Organizational Culture Case Study: BrainGame Introduction The importance of individual and organisational culture are vital components for business to succeed. BrianGame has the organisational culture of making global volunteers as their workers to develop games. However, the debate among BrainGames top management now considers changing the culture of volunteers to full-time employees, which raise issues on the relationship between volunteers and BrainGame. This essay will examine the challenges that BrainGame face and provide recommendations based on the challenges for BrainGame. Trust and Group Conflict One challenge for BrainGame is trust. Some top management want to replace volunteers with full-time developers. This is because volunteers are not productive and hard to manage, more than a thousand crappy ideas proposed, according to Rutger Ekberg, the head of product development (Sutton et al, 2014). Figure 1: (Dietz and Hartog, 2006) People like Rutger from BrainGame belongs to deterrence-based, they dont trust  volunteers and have no positive expectation over volunteers. They believe if no full-time experienced developers used, then what if game fails and the potential of losing investors. This is also a group problem. The companys top management are task conflicts because of the disagreement among top management about the content and outcomes of volunteers performance (Wit et al, 2012). Task conflict may hurt more proximal group outcomes, such as trust from volunteers and volunteers satisfaction. This latter effect is especially likely when volunteers interpret the companys diverging viewpoints as a negative assessment of their own abilities and competencies (Wit et al, 2012). If volunteers are not trusted, then the company will not run effectively, and influence companys operation like productivity, communication, and raise problem of demotivating volunteers, reduce their commitment to the company. According to Mayer and Gavin (1999) employees performance will suffer if they believe their leader cant be trusted. Some top management such as Lena, the CEO, are knowledge-based to volunteers. They believe volunteers saves money and provide free marketing for the company as well as free product development, but they need to convenience people who distrust volunteers so BrainGame can work toward the same target (Dietz and Hartog, 2006). Motivation Another challenge is motivation. BrainGame needs to motivate volunteers so they can be more efficient. Volunteers who work for BrainGame are unpaid, they work because they want to create positive, nonviolent, commercially viable product that reward empathy and caring rather than aggression and revenge (Sutton et al, 2014). Figure 2: (Herzberg F, 1987) Self-determination theory explain the motivation for peoples growth and human development (Deci and Ryan, 2004). The theory explains the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors are self-determined by ones own will (Deci et al, 1991). From figure 2, it shows achievement, recognition and work itself and responsibility are the top four motivation factors, which are all intrinsic motivation. These motivation factors are correlated with BrainGames volunteers because they want be respected by others, recognize for their work and actually make a difference. The problem between BrainGame and volunteers is some people in BrainGame dont recognize their work, they distrust them. Which could lead to more ineffective production and creativity because volunteers are discovered they are not recognized for what they do and what they contribute, therefore will not fully commit to the job or even leave. If BrainGame wants to keep volunteers, then they need to help volunteers achieve what they wan t so they can commit to the job. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is another challenge for BrainGame. The company have the culture of volunteers instead of full time developers. Klaus called this culture a movement (Sutton et al, 2014). However, the culture has been in question of volunteers should be replaced by full-time developers. Figure 3: (Hartnell et al, 2011) BrainGames culture is most likely to be the adhocracy culture type, because this type of culture is externally oriented with flexible organizational structure (Hartnell et al, 2011). BrainGame has a very flexible organizational structure with over thousands of volunteers as developers around the world (Sutton et al, 2014). The fundamental assumption in adhocracy cultures is that change fosters the creation or garnering of new resources (Hartnell et al, 2011). This organizational type encourages people to be innovative. However, BrainGames current culture doesnt work efficiently. Volunteers produced many ideas but most ideas are not viable to use and time consuming. Moreover, BrainGame initial ideas of using volunteers are because of cost saving. Since BrainGame are making profit now, the company needs to rethink its organizational culture, to continue with volunteers or move on to full time developers. The company needs to also consider the risk of losing volunteers and the possibili ty of turn thousands of brand evangelists to brand haters since volunteers provides free marketing and advertising (Sutton et al 2014). Leadership BrainGames top management have the characteristics of transactional leadership with laissez-faire and management by action (passive) style. They hesitate when make decisions and only make interventions if standards are not met (Judge and Piccolo, 2004). According to research, laissez-faire and management by action (passive) are negatively correlated with leadership criteria (Judge and Piccolo, 2004). Based on the case, BrainGames top management have constant debate on should they keep volunteers or replace them with full time developers. However, no one could come up with a defiant solution. BrainGames top management especially Lena needs to change their leadership styles, to be more inspired to other people, have vision and active. Question 2 Goal-Setting Theory As challenges addressed above, it is important to make appropriate recommendations to help BrainGame solve its problems. One recommendation is using the goal setting theory to solve motivation problem. Figure 4: (Lunenburg, 2011) Figure 4 shows the process of goal-setting theory. The two cognitive determinants of behavior are values and intentions (goals) (Lunenburg F.C, 2011). As for BrainGame, the goal for volunteers is try to achieve self-actualization, to create positive, commercially viable product and have the desire to do things consistent with them. Goals leads to attention and action which gain motivation and lead to higher effort with persistence. Goals help people to find the right strategies for themselves so that they can perform at the level they can to achieve that goal. Finally, goal achievement can lead to sense of accomplishment and further motivation, or frustration and lower motivation if failed to accomplish the goal. (Lunenburg F.C, 2011). The goal setting theory under the right conditions will help BrainGame set goals for volunteers to achieve efficiency and productivity. The first step for goal setting theory is people needs to accept goal first, so that they can be motivated to achieve their goal target (Locke and Latham, 2002). Then they need to commit to their goals, two factors help people to commit their goals are self-efficacy and importance (Locke and Latham, 2002). Importance are factors that makes people stick to their goal, including what they expected for their result (Locke and Latham, 2002). According to Erez et al (1985) shows by having involvement in setting its own goals will make them accept their goals at a higher rate because they feel under control of their goal setting. By involved in goal setting, they will have a better understanding of the task and what will they expect as a result. Self-efficacy is how much people believe they can achieve their goal (Locke and Latham, 2002). Self-efficacy can be improved by provide training for volunteers such as online training, this will help increase their skills which leads to better productivity and efficiency. Through effective and regular communication between the company and volunteers to encourage volunteers, this will help gain their confidences (Locke and Latham, 2002). Through training and regular communication, individuals will have a better understanding of their own goal importance and more self-confidence towards their goal, therefore improve goal commitment (Locke and Latham, 2006). A goal needs to be specific and measurable, goals which are unclear are confusing and normally have little effect on motivation. Making goal clear allows people to focus on at the right directions and act related to goal (Lock and Latham, 2002). Volunteers with specific goal target will have better understanding of the task, results in efficiency. Goal is proven to be a motivational factor for people to follow if difficulty is considered, it gives the incentive for people to challenge. If goal target is too difficult, it will demotivate people and reduce their commitment. Goal difficulty not just affect individuals behavior, it will also affect at organizational level. In the late 1960s, Fords goal to gain market share against international competitors, goal was set at tight deadlines and many levels of management signed off on unperformed safety check to the newly development car- the Ford Pinto, results in 53 consumer deaths, the challenging goal was met but companys unethical behavior has damaged its reputation (Ordà ³Ãƒ ±ez et al, 2009). Setting goals that are too high or difficult not only reduce motivation and commitment but also can create dishonesty, cutting corners and corruption (Bennett, 2009). BrainGame needs to be clear of their goal settings, specific and measurable, not setting high goals that demotivating volu nteers, since they are not contract bound by the company, demotivating them will only damage the company. Feedback is essential for volunteers to retain their goal commitment and effectiveness. It is important to give volunteers with constant feedbacks on their work so they can aware of all the progress and mistakes they made during their work, or it will become difficult to monitor the level of effort that needs in order to achieve the goal target more sufficiently (Sorrentino, 2006). Additionally, feedback gives the advantage that allows individual to spot their personal disadvantages towards their goals, and allows promptly adjustment to be done (Smith and Hitt, 2005). By having feedbacks, volunteers will know their work has been checked and evaluated and people are recognizing their work. Provide positive feedbacks to volunteers means BrainGame recognize their work. Whereas negative feedbacks will also motivate them and increase their effort to work if they have high self-efficacy. In contrast, volunteers with low self-efficacy will respond with less effort and demotivated to negativ e feedbacks (Bandura and Cervone, 1986). However, goal setting theory have limitation. Concentrating only to goal can cause people to miss other factors in your environment (Simons and Chabris, 1999). When attention is focused on goal, people become inattention to other factors, which could sometimes cause people to miss the bigger picture. Transformational Leadership BrainGame needs to transform from transactional leadership to transformational leadership style in order to run the company more efficiently. Transformational leaders are more effective because they are more creative, and they encourage and help the people who followed them to be creative (Shin and Zhou, 2003). Companies with transformational leaders are more decentralized, managers are more likely to take risks, compensation plans are aim for long-term results (Ling et al, 2008). According to a study of information technology workers in China found giving more power to people will create positive personal control among workers, thus increased their creativity at work (Zhang and Bartol, 2010). Companies with transformational leaders also have better agreement with managers about goals and strategies, this leads to better and efficient group and organizational operations and performance (Colbert et al 2008). Research from 203 team members and 60 leaders in a business unit found high p erformance is related to individual transformational leadership, and high group performance is also related to team focused transformational leadership (Hetland 2007; Lowe 1996). To have transformational leaders is important for BrainGame because there has been debates on volunteers, with people having different opinions but no one have profound and extraordinary effect to influence other people, the level of distrust to volunteers has raised in top management. As a leader, it is important to trust and guide your people with right directions. Transformational leaders obtain higher levels of trust, which in result reduce their followers anxiety and fear (liu et al, 2010). Followers who trust their leader are confident they will be protected for their interest and rights (Hosmer, 1995). BrainGames leaders needs act as transformational leaders and to trust their volunteers because volunteers are there main developer of game. The business is attracting investment and best ideas were gen erated from volunteers. Volunteers want to achieve recognition and trust is the best way to recognize their work. Transformational leaders encourage creativity and support peoples idea, by encouraging their ideas and guide them towards right direction (Schaubroeck et al, 2011). This will help volunteers improve their skills, and improve their productivity and commitment. Training is an effective way to become a better transformational leader. Training include teach skills on trust building and mentoring, learn how to analysis and evaluate a situation and apply those skills into their own styles, and evaluate in a given situation, which leader behaviors is appropriate to use (Brady, 2010). For BrainGames top management, train them gives them more skills to evaluate the current situation, and provide long-term strategy, and better skills to build trust and communication. with volunteers. To conclude, BrainGame currently in debate over should volunteers be replaced by full-time developers. To do so, it could lose trust from volunteers and demotivate them. Organizational culture will have to change, and leadership style needs to change in order to run the company more effectively. Goal-setting theory is a good method to solve some challenges faced by BrainGame. By goal-setting, volunteers will have better understanding of their task and motivate them, which will increase their productivity and efficiency and this is one of the most important factors why BrainGame want to replace volunteers. However, goal difficulty needs to be careful set or it could cause negative impact. By transit from transitional to transformational leadership, leaders of BrainGame will motivate, communicate better with employees. Transformational leadership skills can be improved with training. Nevertheless, BrainGame should retain volunteers, and build a better strategy around them to run more e fficiently. Question 3 It was a group project I worked with other group members. Group leader set goals for each one of us, but goal was not specific enough. After the deadline, one group member completely misunderstood the task, which the whole team project was stagnated. That group member was demotivated, but we decided to stop our tasks and help him to finish his first. One of the problem for us while we are doing the project is lack of communication as a group, we all focused on our part but each part is correlated, lack of communication with unspecific goal leads to this problem. After this, we all decided to communicate and help each other more, we all motivated and the project in the end finished faster than the deadlines. I think I will apply motivation to my career, because through self-determination theory, I will know which factors will influence me most to motivate me and my teammates. Word count: 2456 References:   Ã‚   Bandura, A., and Cervone, D. (1986) Differential Engagement in Self-Reactive Influences in Cognitively-Based Motivation, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 38pp.92-113. Bennett, D. 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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Dressing Appropriately :: essays research papers

Dressing Appropriately In high school, there were the preps, the skaters, and the burnouts, just to name a few. These groups were not only distinguished by the way they acted, but they were also differentiated by the way they dressed. By looking at a particular student in high school, one could probably infer the clique he/she belonged to. So if a person had on big, baggy pants with a oversized T-shirt that had a Etnies logo on it, one could conclude that person to be a skater and if a person had on khakis and a gap sweater, one could deduce that person to be a prep. What is a possible reason that high school students dress as they do? They might use clothing style as a sense of identity(clique) or maybe to stand out among others. I too, in high school, wanted to be included in a group and stand out. During my freshman and sophomore years, I became a skater. Also during this time in my life, my father introduced me to the game of golf. He bought me membership at an exclusive country club and the first day I went I was rejected obviously because of the way I dressed. Private golf courses require a strict rules of dress which is mandatory: khakis and a collared-shirt. Ironically and unknowingly I had gone to the course with an almost exact opposite of the requirements: 38" wide jean pants and an XXL t-shirt! Embarrassed by the situation, I began to realize that there are certain modes of dress appropriate for different occasions. Now, as a college student, I try to dress in a more stylish, refined manner because I want to stand out as a sophisticated student of a distinguished university. Reflecting on my past, I feel it is important to dress to meet the occasion. To clarify, I don’t want to make the mistake off going to a golf course with skateboarding clothes again . Dressing Appropriately :: essays research papers Dressing Appropriately In high school, there were the preps, the skaters, and the burnouts, just to name a few. These groups were not only distinguished by the way they acted, but they were also differentiated by the way they dressed. By looking at a particular student in high school, one could probably infer the clique he/she belonged to. So if a person had on big, baggy pants with a oversized T-shirt that had a Etnies logo on it, one could conclude that person to be a skater and if a person had on khakis and a gap sweater, one could deduce that person to be a prep. What is a possible reason that high school students dress as they do? They might use clothing style as a sense of identity(clique) or maybe to stand out among others. I too, in high school, wanted to be included in a group and stand out. During my freshman and sophomore years, I became a skater. Also during this time in my life, my father introduced me to the game of golf. He bought me membership at an exclusive country club and the first day I went I was rejected obviously because of the way I dressed. Private golf courses require a strict rules of dress which is mandatory: khakis and a collared-shirt. Ironically and unknowingly I had gone to the course with an almost exact opposite of the requirements: 38" wide jean pants and an XXL t-shirt! Embarrassed by the situation, I began to realize that there are certain modes of dress appropriate for different occasions. Now, as a college student, I try to dress in a more stylish, refined manner because I want to stand out as a sophisticated student of a distinguished university. Reflecting on my past, I feel it is important to dress to meet the occasion. To clarify, I don’t want to make the mistake off going to a golf course with skateboarding clothes again .

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Article Critique ‘A New Look, An Old Battle’ Essay

While the article recognizes the usefulness of stem-cell research in medicine, it also denounces the anti-abortion movement. According to the author, anti-abortion proponents are on the losing side because they failed to scientifically substantiate their claims. Their slogan ‘abortion stops a beating heart’, according to the author, is a mixture of fallacy and deceit. It is generally a misleading slogan. The embryo has no heart; it is a conjugation of biological characteristics which cannot be explained by any a priori moralistic assumption. According to the author, the utility of any biological research on stem cell has nothing to do with morality. Luring the public into believing that stem cell research is an immoral act is itself a coagulation of irrationality. Unconsciously or consciously, the author argues that the moral implications of abortion are not related to stem cell research. This should not be the case. A general reflection on the moral implications of stem cell research is, at many times, congruent with the issue of abortion. To argue that ‘it is about science, not abortion,’ is grossly misleading. Not because science is an independent field suggests that it does not have moral implications related to the issue of abortion. The means by which science is applied falls under the rubric of morality. Science as a concept is morally neutral, but its application is not. It must be examined under the microscope of moral precepts. Hence, it is recognized that the moral implications of stem-cell research are similar to the moral effects of abortion. The author argues that proponents of anti-abortion are on the losing side because they lack the political support of leading politicians and personalities. According to the author, this attests to the general weakness of the anti-abortion slogan. Again, the author commits a fallacy. Yes, political support suggests the strength of any movement, but never the content of its standing beliefs. Content (meaning) cannot be equated with numbers. Supposing that the author continues to believe that support is tantamount to the rationality of any slogan; then such author falls into Bandwagon fallacy. The author argues that politicians supported stem cell research because they had ‘fathers with heart diseases, mothers with arthritis, and whose hearts resonated with the possibilities of alleviating pain and prolonging life. ’ This assertion is not only misleading but empirically unverifiable. Without reference to actual evidence, it is hard to prove this assertion. This argument may be also regarded as fallacious, clinging generally to the fallacy of ad misericordiam. The author convinces the reader that the strength of an argument can be established by referencing with other people’s emotional state of affairs. Here, the miseries of individuals cannot be used as an excuse for the rationalization of an action (in this case, support for stem-cell research). Again, this is not to say that stem cell research is ‘bad. ’ This is to argue that the author’s argumentative structure is improper and illogical. Most of the author’s arguments can be characterized as fallacious and overtly ambiguous. They are fallacious because it exaggerate, lack coherent premises, and dissect seemingly unrelated statements. Instead of looking for the moral implications of stem-research – ‘why it should be morally accepted, and not to be confused with abortion’ – the author ponders on the possibilities of stem-cell research (an abandonment of her own thesis). In addition, empirical evidences are not used to prove some of her important points.

Friday, January 3, 2020

You re Not The Ideal Body Image, Who The Fuck Cares Essay

You’re Not the Ideal Body Image, Who The Fuck Cares? More than one-half of girls and one-third of boys as young as six think that they need to be thinner, and about one-quarter of children as young as seven have engaged in some sort of dieting behavior. Body image is a social issue know around the world, like eating disorders, it is seen most commonly in women, but many men also suffer from the disorder. Family life can sometimes influence our body image. Some parents or coaches might be too focused on looking a certain way or making weight for a sports team. Family members might struggle with their own body image or criticize their kids looks (why do you wear your hair so long? or how come you can t wear pants that fit you?). This can all influence a person s self-esteem, especially if they re sensitive to others peoples comments. People also may experience negative comments and hurtful teasing about the way they look from classmates and peers. Although these often come from ignorance, sometimes they can affect body image and self-e steem. In mass media and society, you come across images of people who are super-slim or buff male and female models in magazines, or super-skinny celebrities on TV, and even slender mannequins in stores. People of all ages, sizes, and genders are being bombarded with images that might make you feel bad about yourself or distort what you think your body should look like. You may feel obligated or pressured to look like theseShow MoreRelatedCharacters Of Different Literatures All Share The Same Ideal2090 Words   |  9 PagesCommon Men Three important characters of different literatures all share the same ideal. Jay Gatsby, Willy Loman and Holden Caulfield animate in the past and share the different ideas of society. Although Gatsby and Loman fail to achieve the self-realization and ideals of the real world, Caulfield wants to protect children and keep them from seeing the ugliness of the world. The Great Gatsby is told by Nick Carraway, who narrates what he sees when he moves by his cousin Daisy and Gatsby. Gatsby attemptsRead MoreAnalysis of Roddy Doyle ´s A Star Called Henry Essay3134 Words   |  13 Pagesheroes are men who do things, which we recognise, with regret, and sometimes with a secret shame, that we cannot do. We find not much in ourselves to admire, we are always privately wanting to be like somebody else. If everybody was satisfied with himself, there would be no heroes† (Mark Twain, 2013). Chronicles of Irish history will enlighten us of the tales and chains of events that have transpired in order for our country to be represented as it is today. Strong, peerless figures who representedRead MoreEssay about how to16439 Words   |  66 Pagesis, I was never like this. In fact I was as shy as anything. In my teens, I had no interest in girls at all. I didn’t know how to talk to them, or what to say to them. It’s like they were another species to me and I just could not relate to them. You could go so far as saying that I was so shy around girls, that I found myself scared of them. I was only interested in doing well at school, playing football with my friends and watching a lot of pointless TV. I would see some of my friends try andRead MoreThe Responsibilities of a Soldier10164 Words   |  41 Pagesmotivate them to further improve on themselves. However there is an opposite side to this. If a soldier is always late, in dirty or messed up uniform, or not at the right place it can influence others in a negative way. It can cause others to not to care as much about their responsibilities and loss of motivation. It is the soldiers’ responsibility to follow the guidelines set down by the Army regulations, NCOs, and officers appointed over them. During the course of this essay I will be going on aRead MoreEssay on Fall of Asclepius95354 Words   |  382 Pagesdied. They clawed at each other just to get out of all the infested areas around the world. There was problem about fleeing from infested areas. Everywhere was infested. There was no where anyone could go without encountering the walking plague. You know that phrase War is Hell? Well... its dead wrong. War at least has some organization to it. What was faced in the last days... by last days I mean the last days of civilization not life; itself. What was faced was hell. Everyone went ape shitRead MoreThe Studio System Essay14396 Words   |  58 Pagesfilmography, in that way you can begin to distinguish patterns that can be identified with individuals. With this in mind, it is fair to say that the art director has more influence on a given film than nearly anyone else who works on the project. This was especially true in the 1930s when the Hollywood Studio system was at the height of its power. The way that credit was given for art direction makes it difficult to judge the work of the individuals who did the actual set