Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tarjeta SENTRI para cruzar rápido entre México y EE.UU.

SENTRI es una tarjeta de  inteligente con identificacià ³n por radio frecuencia que permite un cruce acelerado de la frontera terrestre  entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico. Es uno de los programas que se conocen con el nombre de Viajeros Confiables y Frecuentes que facilitan los pasos de control migratorio. SENTRI no debe confundirse con un programa muy similar conocido como  Nexus, una tarjeta de cruce rà ¡pido entre USA y Canadà ¡. En este artà ­culo se informa de quià ©nes pueden solicitar SENTRI, cuà ¡les son los beneficios, cà ³mo se aplica por esa tarjeta, ycuà ¡les son las causas comunes por las que la solicitud es negada. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI Pueden aplicar por SENTRI las personas que se encuentran en cualquiera de las siguientes categorà ­as: Los ciudadanos americanosLos residentes permanentes legales, es decir, que tienen una green card.Cualquier extranjero  con visa vigente para ingresar o permanecer temporalmente en EE.UU.Los mexicanos que cruzan con frecuencia la frontera terrestre con Estados Unidos. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que SENTRI no es una visa. Recalcar que en el caso de personas no ciudadanas estadounidenses ni residentes permanentes legales es imprescindible tener una visa vigente antes de aplicar por SENTRI. Puede ser cualquier visa de todas las no inmigrantes posibles, como la là ¡ser -tambià ©n conocida como de Cruce, o la F-3 para estudiantes en la zona fronteriza.   Por à ºltimo, tambià ©n pueden solicitar la tarjeta SENTRI los nià ±os pero todos los peticionarios menores de edad deberà ¡n tener el consentimiento de sus padres o guardianes legales. Si se viaja con nià ±os, cada nià ±o debe tener su propia tarjeta para beneficiarse de este programa. En otras palabras, no està ¡n amparados por la de sus padres. Beneficios de obtener la tarjeta SENTRI El mà ¡s evidente es que se puede utilizar para ingresar a Estados Unidos desde Mà ©xico la fila SENTRI, donde el proceso de inspeccià ³n migratorio y aduanero dura, de media, 10 segundos. Estos son los pasos aduaneros donde se puede utilizar (verificar en  tiempo real los tiempos de demora en cruce de puentes internacionales): Nogales, ArizonaDouglas, ArizonaSan Luis, ArizonaOtay Mesa, CaliforniaSan Ysidro, CaliforniaCalexico, CaliforniaEl Paso, TexasHidalgo, TexasBrownsville, TexasLaredo, TexasAnzalduas, Texas Ademà ¡s, SENTRI brinda otros beneficios. Por ejemplo, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden en muchos casos utilizar  los kioskos de Global Entry  en los aeropuertos para acelerar el trà ¡nsito por aduanas. Existe en este punto una excepcià ³n importante que es que los ciudadano  mexicanos no pueden utilizar  esos kioskos con SENTRI. Si desean tener esa ventaja deben aplicar especà ­ficamente por Global Entry. Los  ciudadanos americanos  y sà ³lo ellos pueden ingresar por tierra o por mar a Estados Unidos procedentes de Mà ©xico sin pasaporte, utilizando la tarjeta SENTRI. Por el contrario, si se ingresa por avià ³n es necesario el pasaporte. En los viajes domà ©sticos por avià ³n, los titulares de estas tarjetas pueden enrolarse en el programa Pre-Check para agilizar el paso por el control de seguridad en aeropuertos. Cà ³mo se aplica por la tarjeta inteligente conocida como SENTRI Se solicita por internet en la pà ¡gina oficial de la Agencia de Aduanas y Proteccià ³n Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este momento se paga una cuota inicial de $25 por persona (en el caso de familias el coste mà ¡ximo es de $50 por el padre y la madre y los hijos). Al poco tiempo se recibirà ¡ una notificacià ³n llamada aprobacià ³n condicional. A partir de ese momento se tiene 30 dà ­as para cerrar una cita para la entrevista con la CBP utilizando el mismo sistema de internet. El dà ­a de la entrevista se tomarà ¡ las huellas digitales del aplicante y una foto. Ademà ¡s se tendrà ¡ que pagar parte de la cuota. Ademà ¡s, deberà ¡ presentar los documentados originales que: Acrediten que es ciudadano americano, que es residente permanente o que tiene visa americana vigente.Licencia de manejar emitida por el estado en el que se vive (o un I.D. estatal)Registracià ³n del auto y prueba de seguro. Si el auto que se registra no es propiedad del solicitante de la tarjeta SENTRI entonces se precisa una carta notarizada del propietario en favor del solicitante. Si se trata de un auto de empresa, la carta debe estar escrita en un papel con el nombre de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a.Prueba de solvencia econà ³mica, como tax returns recientes, nà ³minas, extractos de banco, licencia de negocio, si se tiene, etc.Evidencia de residencia, como por ejemplo, recibo del pago de la renta o de la hipoteca o escritura de propiedad de vivienda. Ademà ¡s, llevar una copia de la aprobacià ³n condicional. El costo total de la tarjeta es de $122.25 por persona. Si se desea registrar mà ¡s de un auto, hay que pagar cuota adicional de $42. Si se solicita para toda la familia, es mà ¡s conveniente realizar la aplicacià ³n para todos de una sola vez. Causas de negacià ³n de la solicitud de una tarjeta SENTRI Las causas pueden ser muy variadas, por ejemplo, mentir en la aplicacià ³n, haber sido condenado por una ofensa criminal o tener una orden de arresto pendiente. Tambià ©n es causa de rechazo estar siendo investigado por alguna autoridad local, estatal o federal o, incluso, haber cometido en el pasado alguna infraccià ³n migratoria o de aduanas, incluidos casos en los que se intentà ³ ingresar al paà ­s un producto agrà ­cola o comida que està ¡ prohibido. Finalmente, se negarà ¡ la tarjeta siempre que a juicio de las autoridades la persona solicitante puede suponer un riesgo de cualquier clase para los Estados Unidos. A tener en cuenta para conservar la validez de SENTRI Si se obtiene la tarjeta, debe tenerse presente lo siguiente: Es và ¡lida por cinco aà ±os.Se debe notificar cambios de domicilio, cambios en la documentacià ³n, como obtencià ³n de nuevo pasaporte, licencia de manejar, green card.... o cambio de nombre. Tambià ©n se debe reportar cualquier condena excepto violaciones de trà ¡nsito. Para hacer estas notificaciones llamar a uno de los Centros para Enrolar.  Para poder utilizar una là ­nea SENTRI en la frontera es necesario que todos los ocupantes del auto sean titulares de su propia tarjeta. Esto incluye a nià ±os, incluso recià ©n nacidos. Quà © se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos desde Mà ©xico A la hora de ingresar a los Estados Unidos es conveniente conocer quà © artà ­culos està ¡ prohibido traer asà ­ cà ³mo cuà ¡les està ¡n permitidos en determinadas cantidades o previa declaracià ³n de ingreso. Finalmente, si se tiene la intencià ³n de ingresar a una mascota, tambià ©n se aconseja conocer las reglas para evitar problemas serios al llegar al control aduanero. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Types Of Methods For Cheating - 883 Words

There are many forms of cheating and it does not only have to be when a person fabricates someone else’s idea, paper, or answers. The types of methods for cheating have increased throughout the years and it has become very common to take credit for something that you have worked for. Another method that has become increasingly popular through the years is people cheating the government. The people who have been cheating the government believe that they deserve more benefits than what they receive, but the truth is that most of those people do not want to work for what they need which promotes languid behavior (Gabriel). This in turn causes those who actually need those benefits to be rejected. Though some people may disagree and say that they do work for their money, there are a select few who will do whatever is necessary to get what they think they deserve. For instance, a friend of the family confessed to be living with her husband but has claimed to be separated so that sh e and her family can receive benefits. She is able to get food stamps and Medicaid for her children because of her claims. If she did not claim that she was separated, she would not be able to qualify for these benefits. Even though she can afford it, she gets away with cheating the government system. This is obviously unfair to those who actually have to pay for their own insurance and medical care or to those who simply can’t afford it. The people who can’t afford the assistances provided by theShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism : What Is Plagiarism?1583 Words   |  7 Pageshimself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal act and institutional regulations. And universities, schools, and instructors do not only need to decrease plagiarism, but they must also affect positively on students writings, increase the understandingRead MoreCheating And The Test Of Cheating1340 Words   |  6 Pagesto cheat. Academic cheating is an undisclosed process that occurs at all schools. This is the process of gaining info or using information for use on a test without permission from the proctor of the test. The steps are simple and easy to hide from the average teacher administrating the test. Many students try their hand at cheating due to its rather lucrative outcome in terms of grades versus the ratio of time spent on the process of cheating. Moreover, if done right, cheating is a process that allowsRead MoreIs Integrity Ethical And Ethical Standards?986 Words   |  4 Pagesenjoy positive outcomes through having strong relationships with others. (Peterson, 2004) These relationships are successful because of their ability to create cooperative alliances, and receive social support (Hodgins, 1996). However, specific types of dishonest behavior occur daily in peoples’ lives. (Xu, 2015). Lying refers to intentionally making a false verbal statement to deceive the mind of the recipient (Hays, 2014). The decision to be honest or not is strongly influenced in early childhoodRead MoreTechnologys Impact On Learning1028 Words   |  4 Pages Focuses on ways that technology impacts learning and cheating; especially in realm of Internet sourcing. Anderman, E., Midgley, C. (2004). Changes in self-reported academic cheating across the transition from middle school to high school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 499-517. Peer reviewed article in which data suggests that self-reported cheating is on the rise based on students view that everyone does it. Cahn and Markie. (2008). Ethics:Read MoreCheating Is Defined As An Act Of Dishonesty844 Words   |  4 PagesWhat comes to mind when hearing the word â€Å"cheat†? According to Merriam Webster, Cheating is defined as an â€Å"act of dishonesty in order to gain an advantage† (Webster, 2015). Society seems to encourage that people should do whatever it takes to win or succeed. This method has been recycled through any type of accomplishment from politics to performances. The three main areas that people are susceptible to cheat in are athletics, academics, and intimate relationships. There are several ways to cheatRead MoreAcademic Integrity : Types Of Academic Dishonesty And Prevention Methods1743 Words   |  7 Pages Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Chetan Muppaneni Webster University Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Abstract This paper discusses the different types of academic dishonesty and the prevention measures that are taken to maintain academic integrity. The need of following the codes/rules of the institutions and to promote the academic integrity is mainly on the students and the faculty. The paper discussesRead MoreHow Conformity Plays A Big Part Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pageslong time, slavery was justified as okay because people were making profit. Today, murder, adultery, gambling, drugs, cheating on tests, and skipping class are all considered deviant acts. If an individual violates a norm, it is expected to receive responses from others; negative sanctions. The intensity of the negative sanction depends on the importance of the norm. There’s two types of sanctions; informal and formal. Informal sanctions come from social groups and can vary from dirty stares from friendsRead MoreThe Ethics Of Academic Misconduct1192 Words   |  5 Pagesamongst other morals. Academic integrity is intrinsically against all the principles we were brought up on, then why is it so common? Is it partly because we don’t categorize plagiarism as cheating or is it because of the prevalent occurrences: that everybody does it so why not me? The answers vary depending on type of dishonesty, for example deliberate deception when using a person’s distinct ideas or words without acknowledgment should be far greater offense than students working on a homework assignmentRead MoreCheating Is A Word?1496 Words   |  6 PagesCheating is a word that no one wants to have attached to their name, because it comes attached with a load of negative stigma. What exactly is the definition of cheating? According to Oxford Dictionaries, the definition of the word â€Å"cheat† is as follows: â€Å"Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.† As one can adhere through this definition, when someone cheats they are acting in a dishonest way that deprives others of the truth. There are manyRead MoreAre Students Cheating Due to Pressure?1200 Words   |  5 PagesAre Students Cheating Due to Pressure? Academic cheating has always been frowned upon by society and reasoned as the easy way out. From a teachers point of view, cheating may be unethical. On the other hand, from a student’s viewpoint, cheating may be the necessary survival skill in school. Society has always been solely focused on how terrible cheating is but it has never considered the pressures that essentially cause students to cheat. Many pressures contribute to academic dishonesty such as

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sardanapalus Essay Research Paper Example For Students

Sardanapalus Essay Research Paper A monologue from the play by Lord Byron NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Lord Byron: Six Plays. Lord Byron. Los Angeles: Black Box Press, 2007. SARDANAPALUS: Farewell! Hes gone; and on his finger bears my signet, Which is to him a sceptre. He is stern As I am heedless and the slaves deserve To feel a master. What may be the danger, I know not: he hath found it, let him quell it. Must I consume my life—this little life— In guarding against all may make it less! It is not worth so much! It were to die Before my hour, to live in dread of death, Tracing revolt; suspecting all about me, Because they are near; and all who are remote, Because they are far. But if it should be so— If they should sweep me off from earth and empire, Why, what is earth or empire of the earth? I have loved, and lived, and multiplied my image; To die is no less natural than those Acts of this clay! Tis true I have not shed Blood as I might have done, in oceans, till My name became the synonym of death— A terror and a trophy. But for this I feel no penitence; my life is love: If I must shed blood, it shall be by force. Till now, no drop from an Assyrian vein Hath flowd for me, nor hath the smallest coin Of Ninevehs vast treasures oer been lavishd On objects which could cost her Sons a tear: If then they hate me, tis because I hate not: If they rebel, tis because I oppress not. Oh, men! ye must be ruled with scythes, not sceptres, And mowd down like the grass, else all we reap Is rank abundance, and a rotten harvest Of discontents infecting the fair soil, Making a desert of fertility.— Ill think no more.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Single Parenting free essay sample

You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind to it and stick with it. I remember hearing those words from my mother ever since I was a little girl. Through the years Ive grown up believing in them and using them as my inspiration. You see, there is no one I admire more than my mother. When I was four years old, my mother and father got divorced, although he didnt live with us since I was two. At the time, my brother was only eight. Being a single parent is a hard enough job in itself but my mother also worked full time. Now most people who hear about this situation automatically assume that at least one if not both children ended up getting into some kind of trouble whether with the law or something else, but in this case that never happened. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Parenting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mother taught both of us about morals, goals and rules, along with many other things. Granted my brother and I got into fights with one another, but, hey, kids will be kids. Even though she works all week, my mom always had time for us, whether it was to take us to our baseball and soccer games or if we just needed someone to talk to. At one point I remember clearly that I had a speech problem, and she made me practice every night over and over again until I got it right. All in all, I feel I can talk to my mother about anything, with her acting more as a friend than a parent. I realize that not everyone has a mother like mine, which makes me appreciate her even more. After everything she has done for me, I want to make her proud by being the first female in my family to go to college and get a degree.